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A warning from Germany - Printable Version

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A warning from Germany - uks - 9 March 2013

RE: A warning from Germany - Straight Shooter - 9 March 2013

I just wonder what the purpose is to allow these people in to our already over burdened country...we fail to look after our own as it i missing something..where is the sense..please someone ...anyone explain this nonsense to me ...its as if we are planning to totally fail and breakup this country .

RE: A warning from Germany - Prepper1 - 9 March 2013

Maybe that's the idea...
Who knows the machinations of these people in charge.

Its as plain as the nose on your face it'll be terrible for the economy just on its own.

But with the thievery, (watch your little kids by they way if they move near you, they are notorious child traffickers). and all the rest of the dirty stuff that goes on...

There seems to be no aim or goal in sight, but who knows, maybe they're after buying land cheap in Romania now its going to be less populated and then develop it, build houses then sell to Romania's government.

Only time will tell the true extent of this, but we should all be upping security of our homes, cars, business if we have them etc...

Trust me on that, I used to know some Romany, and if its not nailed down, glued AND tied its GONE.

Think Irish gypsies/travellers, but much worse...

RE: A warning from Germany - David075 - 9 March 2013

They moved into the street i used to live in, about 12 or more of them allways on the street hangin about lurkin Im sure some of them were living out of the old merc sprinter vans that they had really lowered the tone of the place, dumped rubbish on the street.
And the women got barred from the co-op round the corner within weeks for shoplifting they had bags stitched into the long skirts they wear one had a box of corn flakes in there.

RE: A warning from Germany - Skean Dhude - 9 March 2013

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