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bow maker - bigpaul - 9 March 2013

i've just had a message from someone i contacted, he is willing to make me a Native American paddle bow..but i dont know what length i need or what draw weight....anyone got any ideas??

RE: bow maker - Highlander - 9 March 2013

I don't know if I am right or wrong here, but if he makes bows, could he not get that information from knowing your height and weight,...I wonder if there is such a thing as an on-line scale/gauge thingy to work it out for you

RE: bow maker - Skean Dhude - 9 March 2013

BP, It worries me he is willing to make one but hasn't any idea what the parameters are. I would think there were some specialist techniques involved. Is there cash involved?

RE: bow maker - bigpaul - 10 March 2013

(9 March 2013, 20:47)Skean Dhude Wrote: BP, It worries me he is willing to make one but hasn't any idea what the parameters are. I would think there were some specialist techniques involved. Is there cash involved?

he's done it before, he was the maker of the horse bow i was bidding on but got outbid, i contacted him..yes cash is involved but were only talking £60 which i think is cheap.

RE: bow maker - Luci_ferson - 10 March 2013

i thought bows depended on your dimensions, wouldnt he just need to know your height and arm length

RE: bow maker - bigpaul - 10 March 2013

i've already got a 60inch longbow so i dont really want another one that size, i was thinking of something i could use in woodland-so i'm assuming someone would use a shorter bow for this??

RE: bow maker - Luci_ferson - 10 March 2013

fair point, hard to run through woodland with a 60inch bow.

I imagine thats something that would come with a hell of a lot of practice.

RE: bow maker - Skean Dhude - 10 March 2013

It is hard running through woodland with a 60' bow but even if it is 3' you don't want to be running. Animals hear you for miles. You need to be moving very quietly.

RE: bow maker - bigpaul - 10 March 2013

its alright SD i DONT run anywhere-not even for a bus!Big Grin

RE: bow maker - Luci_ferson - 10 March 2013

weve gwot to bwe vewy vewy qwuiet ,
were huntin Wabbits