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B I G T H A N K S - Printable Version

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B I G T H A N K S - Luci_ferson - 12 March 2013

just a big thanks to SD for putting together a great site that has made a lot of things a whole lot easier for me.

And an even bigger thanks to Highlander for giving me the solution, to the final piece in my puzzle (plan).

thanks also go to all the other members here who made an awkward old git like me very very welcome and helped me sort out the ideas in my head.

special thanks to BigPaul, he may suffer with tunnel vision and stubborness sometimes, but i think that comes with age cos i have that too, listen to him, theres a lot of good stuff in his head.

anyway its time I slithered off back into obscurity.
thoroughly enjoyed my time here and learned enough to keep me building for months.
my lists of things to do is now huge, be back in a few months when i need to learn more, but for now ive got more than enough to be getting on with.

so once again
much appreciated


RE: B I G T H A N K S - bigpaul - 12 March 2013

Thanks, dont stay away too long!!Big Grin

RE: B I G T H A N K S - Tigs - 12 March 2013

awww you will be missed ( i should really get my scope fixed Tongue) hope your not away too long

RE: B I G T H A N K S - Highlander - 12 March 2013

See you when you return

RE: B I G T H A N K S - Hex - 14 March 2013

See you soon Smile