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How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Printable Version

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How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Hrusai - 1 April 2013

This is a TED talk, TED talks are all about ideas that people need to hear about, they promote all kinds of subjects, from ethics to scientific breakthroughs and have featured some truly groundbreaking technologies and ideas.

Now you may ask me, what does this have to do with prepping?
Well, at first glance nothing, but if you think of the ideas involved in this talk you might soon realise this offers a prepper a chance to get some cheap land in a remote location that will be at first in bad condition, but using some of the techniques discussed it is entirely possible to reverse this and turn it back to fertile, healthy grassland, where both wildlife and livestock can flourish, as well as crops!

even if this is of no use to any of us, at the very least its an idea that deserves to be spread, no....more than that, Needs to be spread. Most preppers will agree that its infinitely better to prevent a potential threat, and climate change is certainly a serious threat, perhaps the most serious we face and techniques and ideas such as the one illustrated in this TED talk are the only hope that we as a race have against this threat. Its by this merit that i believe that this idea truly is something that needs to be spread and recognised across the world, and more importantly, acted upon.

RE: How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Tartar Horde - 2 April 2013

The points raised regarding bringing land back to fertility have some applications for preppers, especially the practice of Mulching to stop water evaporation. I don't agree with the premise that Humans are responsible for what is a natural cycle of the Earth, nor do I believe we can stop the process, and that we should even think we have the power to do so is arrogant on our part. The methods he proposes do make sound sense for those people living in the areas affected, but it will only ever be a "rear guard" action as you can't stop Mother nature and the natural cycles of the planet. The Sahara 10k years ago was green and had many lakes and rivers. The bones of non desert type animals have been found including Crocodiles, Giraffe, Hippo etc, and rock art found shows humans hunting them. Over the remaining millenia the Sahara has dried out due to shifting wind and rain patterns, without any help from Humans. The exact same pattern is shown around the world in places like the Atacama, Arizona and Gobi and is continuing today.
Global warming and sudden climate change is nothing new and has been happening since the formation of our planet, I do feel however that this has been hijacked by governments and backed up by scientists who have a vested interest in getting their government sponsored research grants, to propagate the idea that we are responsible for global warming, and thus tax us for it. (as is happening).
These scientists conveniently forget to mention the inconvenient facts of Palaeontology and Archaeology that show periods for example where Hyena, Hippo and Lion lived in London, and the climate was sub tropical and lush. Nor do these scientists mention the fact that the climate changed from a sub tropical paradise to a frozen arctic tundra in the Ice age that replaced it without any need for cars, coal oil etc, and that the climate has done this many times in the past without mans help. Yet it is only now that we are responsible, I find that very convenient don't you?
The planet at the moment is still experiencing an Ice Age, and we are in what is called an "interglacial" period where the temperature slowly rises to a maximum before falling back to glaciation, remember the Hippo's in London? well that was an Interglacial period too, and there have been many. The temperature will continue to rise and there is no reason why we shouldn't see sub tropical conditions in the UK once again, and last time it happened we didn't die in a global warming catastrophe did we, so why should we this time.

RE: How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Skean Dhude - 2 April 2013

I've reworded the title to remove the scam of climate change. I don't think humans can make any difference to what is going on with our climate despite the governments promises and collection of sin taxes.

RE: How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Luci_ferson - 2 April 2013

anything we change on the planet affects another part of the planet.
we live inside a bubble.
if you make water appear in one place there is less somewhere else.
build a sky skraper and you alter natures wind course.
it affects somewhere else.
everything we do affects something else.
Yes its why the world is in such a state, but its also why it will push back and balance itself out
man can only make temporary changes. the earth will always restore itself. even if that means wiping some of us out in the process.
man itself is only a temporary infestation of earths history.
one of many.
we aint the first and its doubtfull wel be the last.
unless we do something really stupid.
Hopefully wel never be that capable. were already stupid enough.

were just a small cog. in a very large cycle full of gears, wheels, and lubricants.

RE: How to green the deserts and reverse climate change. - Skean Dhude - 2 April 2013

I can't change the title so I'm closing it.

If you want to restart it leave out the religious stuff.