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what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Printable Version

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what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - RoadWarrior - 24 April 2013

Just imagine the scene...its been over two weeks since the pound/euro/dollar collapse....the local shops on the estate have been cleaned out for food and drink...some totally looted and set on fire...there are gangs of teens and older men (40s etc) going roung breaking into cars looking for any food/drink or fuel...people are very scared..very intimidated...and are keeping their kids for the moment anyway. the t.v is only doing news every 3 to 4 hours about London rioting...crisis meetings in Whitehall, COBRA are putting plans together...its a grim and dark time for the UK. shops/buisnesses are closed, people are not going to work...garage forecourts have cars left/pushed their before the fuel ran out at the pumps. the "local"police are moved into cities to concentrate on the larger escalating riots...but the odd siren and drive thru the council estate is maybe only once every day or so. Right then we are at home choice with our doors barricaded maybe ,blinds and curtains closed...they are intermittent power cuts so at night its candles our bug out vehicle is either outside on the drive or in a lock up garage or even pulled into the garden after taking the fence panels down. the gangs are at your door now banging on it to "spare any food " you don't answer they move their attention to your car...pop the windows and their in ...fuel cans full in the back ,spare food in a holdall maybe ...and they are now attempting to cyphon the tank of unleaded/diesel..whatever...SO what do you do ? its broad day light....theres at least 12 of them armed with bats and kitchen knives.....DO YOU run out saying get off my stuff you cu#ts..or I will shoot you in the head with my crossbow rifle..?? and risk you own life and jepardise you own familys safety.....if you do shoots and then are clubbed to death !! or think fu#k it its better to let them take it..and live ? then maybe think of another way out once it isn't as bad.....see by having a vehicle stocked up they will now know your stashing food.....its a constant brain chewer for me ! unless we all had assault rifles what can we do ?? air rifles. ???? hmm like you thoughts on this folks.......

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 24 April 2013

better to lose your BOV than your brainer, however once theyve done your BOV maybe then they turn their attention to the house?? maybe its better to shoot a few and go down fighting anyway??

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Tonka - 24 April 2013

I think, once things get to that stage, a four wheeled vehicle is more a liability than a tool anyway. Good to have one to hand, but it is more likely to get you killed than to save you.

Unless there are a lot of you well armed, let it go and then curse yourself for having it parked in such an obvious place. Then go round the back and oil up your mountain bike.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - RoadWarrior - 24 April 2013

yes guys..its take the fuel in the car for me...I prefer living..what I meant to get across having a prepped BOV ready to roll when we/I/you decide to having stores etc in there its a dead giveaway IMO.....but its gonna be more obvious and dangerous to keep fuel cans ....and boxes/bags of food inside the house as even in darkness will be seen by someone ..if you attempt to load it up and get the fu#k out !!

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 24 April 2013

probably, if we had a fully stocked BOV sitting on the drive in full view of anyone walking past, then we deserve to lose it!! its either in a locked garage or we are bugging out in the next half hour!

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Skean Dhude - 24 April 2013

If you have left it too late to use your BoV which this situation is then you must empty it of everything and make it look like it has already been scavanged. Doors left open, fuel tanks emptied and open as you hope they don't waste time on it.

No need to risk your life for a useless car.

There may become a time when you have to stand up. That is not it.

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 24 April 2013

that makes sense SD!

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - RoadWarrior - 24 April 2013

Think it would be a situation where youd have to "try" and keep your a knee jerk reaction of going out and going apeshit with the gang wud be fatal ....even if you took out the biggest aggressor with an arrow/bolt. !! I think as preppers it is a risk in something we do, and can be overlooked by even the "smartest/cocky ones"....this is where building groups with a hub is possibly a good idea in numbers IMO. cant speak for all of you lot BUT in this country I don't think its a common have your car/house broke into , using force and intimidation.....maybe in the states or south afrika !! keeping cool in these situations takes real will power .

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - bigpaul - 24 April 2013

nope, never had house or car broken into and that includes all that time i lived in a city,and never knew anyone else who had either, out here its even less likely, every one knows who you are and where you live, strangers stand out a mile!!

RE: what to lose ...BOV....or your life ? - Rush2112 - 24 April 2013

I thought the idea of having a BOV was to leave before the roaming gangs begin raping/pillaging?

the scenario presented is chilling. I agree with what BP said, after they rummage the car they'll be hitting the house next. There's "at least 12 of them" , but you don't mention how many are with you. Assuming its a single family: 2 adults, 2 kids. While the gang is occupied with the BOV, we would grab our BOBs and get out of there. Use the weapon to cover your family's movement. Have a specified rendezvous point in case of separation.