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Mosquito trap - Metroyeti - 20 May 2013

Items needed:
1 cup of water 
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 gram of yeast
1 2-liter bottle

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.
2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.
4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired.
5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.)

Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control.

RE: Mosquito trap - Highlander - 20 May 2013

it would also work for the Scottish midgy,.. its just a pity that we have sooooo many that it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference...Smile

We will be under attack with the next two weeks for sure,..already preped for it, stocked up with `Raid` fly sprays and midgy nets

I didn't know that mossies were drawn to the color black though

RE: Mosquito trap - Metroyeti - 20 May 2013

I was thinking it would be good for midges, had two photos with it. 1st was the bottle with mixture in, they had put a single band of black tape around the bottle. 2nd photo was the bottle full of dead bugs.

RE: Mosquito trap - Anything Really - 20 May 2013

I'll try this while on holiday. If anyone is guaranteed to get bitten it is me.

RE: Mosquito trap - Metroyeti - 20 May 2013

Some people get targeted more, you must have tasty blood

RE: Mosquito trap - Mooski88 - 20 May 2013

Wow! It never even occurred to me. Yet as soon as I saw this I thought if the SHTF then yes flys, midges etc will multiply insanely because well who will keep the cities clean? And if there is deaths (u know there will be) who will bury the dead. Defo gunna buy me a giant fly swatter now.

RE: Mosquito trap - ObongoPox - 20 May 2013

Mozzies are the price you pay for being in some far-flung,boreal forest that's as far as humanly possible from this sh!tpit called britain

RE: Mosquito trap - Highlander - 20 May 2013

A few years back the `in thing` here was to buy the new fangled Midge killing machine,.. every morning people would empty bag after bag of dead midges,... until they realized that it wasn't doing a blind bit of good, there are simply too many of them, the summer, I have seen them two inches thick on the outside of the window sill,... just waiting for anyone daft enough to go out un protected

The only thing that works against the Scottish midge is Avon Skin so soft,.. everyone uses it up here, even in the woods where they are worse,... we have the sweetest smelling foresters in the land...Smile

RE: Mosquito trap - BDG - 20 May 2013

Yeah, as HL said, pointless trying to control them on a small scale as there are so many of them. I could very well see it that if people were forced by some kind if SHTF event into areas where there were midges and it was the right time of year, it could cause madness and suicide.

Creams, potions and head nets are the way forward. That or grow a beard to afford a little natural protection and get used to them.

RE: Mosquito trap - Highlander - 20 May 2013

During the 17th century, when the Clan chiefs dealt out justice, people were tied out at night to be tormented by the midge,... I bet they didn't do anything bad ever again...Smile

We used to do B&B,.. and we have had campers banging on the door at all hours of the night almost begging to be let in as the midgies were driving them mad,... they will be a serious deterrent in the job of helping in keeping people away after the shtf, they will become the prepers friend