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What is TS doesn't HTF? - Scythe13 - 31 May 2013

Hi Everyone.

Going to be a smidge controversial here. I've brought this idea up a few times before, but not for a while. So I'd just like to guage a reaction. Before anyone says anything like "I dont care, because I know the poop will hit the fan" we are having this discussion on a hypothetical basis, so please play along. I'm curious of people's views on this.

Let's say you've woken up and are 90 years old. You can tell your time is at an emd, and you're ready to meet your maker. The world is at peace, thanks to some politician with charisma. Your kids are grown up, grandkids doing well in life. Crime is at an all time low, and the general state of afairs in the world is all nice and pretty.

Having spent the time you already have, prepping. Not ever going through a SHTF scenario. Not to mention the time after today that you have been prepping. As well as all the money you've spent on preps... How would you view prepping and would you feel you had wasted all that time and money? Will you have wished you'd taken those holidays, etc? Or will you say you enjoyed it all and are pleased you spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on gear that your kids will throw away when you die?

Remember, hypothetical.

Would love to get your views.

Just so you know, I still do believe something will happen.

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Mortblanc - 31 May 2013

I was ready when the blizzard of 2020 hit.

I was ready when the tornado wiped out the electricity in my area for 3 weeks back in 2025.

I had first aid supplies in the car when we came across that bad crash and saved that fellow from bleeding to death back in 2018.

I got to roam the fields and fish with the grandkids and teach them a little about how to enjoy the outdoors and have fun without spending a fortune.

I sat around some good campfires and talked with some good people for many happy hours.

And there was that woman I met at a camp and married back in 2003. Those next 5 years were the best of my life.

Looking back on 50 years of prepping does not seem like I wasted a moment, so I doubt I will suffer over the next 25 until I hit 90.

And the grandkids are going to inherit some kicka$$ camping gear!

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Scythe13 - 31 May 2013

Right on MB!

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Franc - 31 May 2013

The time and money spent, is never wasted. You lived longer, cos you had a healthier lifestyle than the contemporary sheeple. You had a store of food, to help you through the occasional rainy days that happen even nothing goes very badly wrong. So you never went on foreign holidays, you would have got some use out of your expensive camping gear, on camping holidays in the uk, which were better for you than flying cattle car to some foreign place, where you cant trust the water. So you never got that 60" plasma 4d tv screen, but you got some very nice toys to play with. and in the outdoors which is healthier than slumped inside watching the brain death box. (besides the grand kids will love the camping kit and gun collection you can leave for them.)

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - RoadWarrior - 31 May 2013

History repeats what little time we have been on this planet.!! not kid ourselves that we aren't gonna see massive disasters.......we don't really know how many true Ice Ages there have been....history books are not that accurate over hundreds of years.......just because we all have cars ...electric and gas...can now "fly" in the air and also strap our astronauts to something that is basically a huge firework...that we are too advanced for anything bad to happen ...Fucking Bullshit IMHO.....earthquakes.."biblical" floods !! freak eco weather systems aside.....its MANKIND that will "probably " start his own demise thru greed....destroying this planet at the sametime.....we live in hope with our blinkers on ...fingers crossed BUT........something has to give be it monetary systems or other..
great past civilizations fell.....Rome /Egypt/Atlantis/Pompei
Mans very nature is it with nature or his own kind
just because there hasn't been a "world War" since 1945 only tells me we are DUE another one ! I look at my boys and think...what kind of world has our older generations and US left for you .....I know this isn't the post I was gonna write Scythe.... but my personal take ...from the Heart...and not kidding myself ...RW

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Highlander - 31 May 2013

I wouldn't think that I had wasted a single second of the preps I had done,.. there has always been a certain satisfaction in knowing that I am/have been ready for any emergency that comes our way,... and if nothing happens then I will leave my stores to our kids, and they will be ready,..... unless the greedy sods eat it allSad

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Little Lou - 31 May 2013

If I were 90 years old, found the world was at peace, my grandkids were doing well, crime was low and everthing was nice and pretty, I can't imagine being anything but happy. We may prep for the alternatives, but that doesn't mean we want them to happen.

It's still a good question, but I can't honestly see much to regret. Maybe it's a question of 'how' we prep, but there's very little I'll have spent money on that wouldn't be useful anyway. I'm 'rotating' my stores of food and water, so nothing will be wasted. I'm using my water filter daily, and saving a fortune on bottled water at the same time. If I'm using solar or other alternative power, then I'll have saved money and done the planet a bit of good while I'm at it. If I've learned old fashioned skills and passed them on, then I've helped keep alive a part of our heritage that human beings will always need. If I've kept us supplied with fruit and vegetables from our garden, we've enjoyed the pleasure of fresh chemical-free food, and probably saved a bit of cash into the bargain. If I've dug a well or built a chimney I'll have enhanced the value of my property, and that's more of a legacy for my children.

The most I could consider 'wasted' would be: some of the long shelf-life food that's cost more than fresh ingredients would have done; a few 'survivalist' bits of bushcraft kit that only a prepper or hard-core masochist might use; and one or two 'security items' such as weaponry and camo net for the BOV. But even those things might come in useful for my children - because TS doesn't have HTF in my lifetime, and my prepping was never just for me.

But even if TS never HTF, it's still hardly a waste to spend money on one's 'hobby'. No-one regrets having spent time doing things they enjoy, so why should I? As Franc said, I'll even be fitter from having lived a healthier lifestyle. I'll have made friends with other preppers - and who on their death bed ever feels they've had too many friends?

Nothing to regret. I'll have lived with my eyes open, I'll have lived free, and I hope I'll have made myself beholding to no-one. I'll settle for that.

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - bigpaul - 31 May 2013

the way the world is going I Don't believe that TS WONT HTF, said so to Mrs BP only yesterday, but if it dosent, all the food has been rotated and used in date order so that hasn't been wasted, have had some good equipment to play with, have had a good life and content with my lot, met some interesting people along the way.

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Steve - 31 May 2013

My current lifestyle is much nicer than it was when I was working too many hours in London. My kids will inherit a farm and all the toys, and even if the world is in Nirvana they'll still be able to either enjoy it or sell it.

Personally, I think the fan has already been winged, the economy is screwed and won't recover for many years, if ever. People can look forward to years of grinding austerity and unrest, but they won't listen yet.

RE: What is TS doesn't HTF? - Skean Dhude - 31 May 2013

I think at that stage you will have more regrets about relationships than prepping. I've never heard or seen anything that says on his deathbed he regretted how much he had spent on tax, insurance, etc.

Regrets are relationships, paths not taken.