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What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - MaryN - 10 June 2013

My beloved OH, an ex-services chap and a very competent and capable man thinks the whole thing is a bit of a joke! Actually, his most-often made comment is that he will deal with things when they affect us! Goody!

It is so frustrating because I know he would be brilliant at all this organisational stuff. But he doesn't take much notice of the more esoteric points of the news (and so doesn't pick up on those alarming little details), and cannot be bothered with the more alarming news stories. It's all media hype.

But he has done all the survival courses, is a crack shot and has the innate instinct for survival and organisation that seems to present it in the military types. Why, oh why, doesn't he get it!

One small triumph for me, I think I've got him interested in getting a genny..... not for the practical side of being prepared, but because I suspect he would enjoy playing with it!

I give up!

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Jonas - 10 June 2013

Just keep buying an extra can or two of stew, hash, spam, or whatever on your weekly grocery shopping trip. You'll get there.

Now see if you can get the ham radio rig to go with the genny! Big Grin

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Skean Dhude - 10 June 2013

You have less of a problem than the rest of us. He sees the risks and believes he can handle them all without prepping. Of course after an event when he is looking for something you need to have made sure it is there. Such as the weapons to shoot with.

Most of us have the issue that our OH and kids don't see an issue and we need to do everything.

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Highlander - 10 June 2013

dont give up........... try different ways of doing it.

Maybe talk about something, and purposely get your facts wrong, he may well know you are wrong and want to correct you,.. take the conversation a bit further, by asking how he would solve/ prepare for it better?,.... this kind of ploy often works if it comes from him himself,... I dont know, is he maybe a little defensive that you, his wife, is trying to do the protecting?... would he feel different if he was doing more `his` way

I wish you luck

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Straight Shooter - 10 June 2013

Very familiar mary, but slowly slowly catch a monkey, had the OH TELLING ME! today about security measures and some bloody good solutions , I am amazed by her attention to detail and depth of what ifs, it took me completely by surprise, it would be smug on me to say I won here over , more likely she has arrived in the same place as where I am under her own steam , just go's to show after forty five years she can surprise me still her unconditional love for me ....I got lucky the day we met, long may that continue.

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - SecretPrepper - 10 June 2013

my other half is supportive and understands it is like insursrance but she juyst leaves me too it mostly. She is very competantand reliabl too, just doesn't notice those little things in the news either

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - NorthernRaider - 11 June 2013

Try the economics method (darling if we buy a wood burner and solar panels means no monthly energy bills (only slight fib))
The seduction method (FtoM)" gosh its so manly seeing all these preps in place to protect us, watching you split logs or practice with your bow is a turn on. (MtoF) Darling you are the perfect woman no only are you gorgous but so talented, from doing your job to home making to the canning and medical skills and the way you tend the herb garden is great"
The ignore method " just do it yourself"
The blackmail method " no preps no nookie"
The bribe method " You wanna motorbike, I want a wood burner and chickens"
The upgrade method " get divorced and marry a prepper"

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Skean Dhude - 11 June 2013


Or stay as she is with nearly a prepper and a model she knows well.

And blackmail and bribes work both ways. In fact every one has a negative outcome here certainly if tried against me.

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - Scythe13 - 11 June 2013

I know how you feel Mary.

My wife is about 50% onboard. She thinks it's wise to have spare food, and water. She loves me in the garden and cooking. She's all for a log burner (we're putting it in before the next winter), and stuff like that. She's not a fan of burying a load of stuff in the garden, buying 'tactical' clothing (I hate that expression, but you get what I mean), buying bullet proof vests, and the more extreme stuff.

We have come across a good sentence, "Well, it's your money, so you spend it how you want." That allows me to buy more of the big boys toys stuff. One thing she hates, and I'm very much against (honest I am) is anything illegal. Nothing illegal in the house, is our rule. I think she means the garden too, so I make sure I stay well away from anything I'd consider a BlackOps prep! Her family is all police and military (which is why she's against a lot of the police/military style clothing) so anything illegal would be harshly dealt with.

Wow NR, those techniques seem to be fool-proof haha. I'm sure those things will just get you a slap for treating the other person like a child.

Economics method: If we buy knives in bulk....
Seduction: Wife: Scythe, it looks so sexy when you're doing the vacuuming. Me: Shut up, I'm not falling for that ol'chestnut! Thanks for insulting my intelligence.
Ignore: Wife: I'm ignoring you. Scythe: Okay, I'll be at the pub, back later.
Blackmail: Wife: Fine, no sex for you. Scythe: HAHAHA, don't be silly. You'll be missing out as well then....that backfired!
Bribe: Wife: I'll buy you a gun cabinet if you do the cleaning. Scythe: I'm not falling for that ol'chestnut!
Upgrade: NO FRICKING WAY!!! You don't threaten to divorce someone because they're not a prepper!!! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!?

RE: What do you do when your OH is not "onboard"? - bigpaul - 11 June 2013

no such problems here, wife is 100% on board even tells me sometimes what to get next, she lived an off grid life right up into her teens and is a country woman so is more clued up than me...i'm a city boy!Big Grin