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HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Prepper1 - 14 August 2013

In the event the medical system collapses or the government does and the hospitals are swamped with dead or dying, antibiotics in a post disaster/war-torn environment will be worth more then gold. Here I will tell you how to make homemade penicillin tea which will be a life saver when someone becomes septic from a simple little scratch in a post modern medical society. First get some bread(preferebly wheat)and place it in a bag in a warm place. Once mold starts to form, tear it apart into smaller pieces but keep it together and let the mold cover all of the bread. Once it is covered in mold, break it apart and place it in a large pot with 2/3 full of water and put a lid on it. Now the water must be brought to 98 degrees roughly and kept there for about 3 days. A simple trick is use the sun, use a black pot and lid or spray paint it either or, and place it in the sun during the day (depending on your part of the world direct sunlight may cause the liquid to exceed 98F degrees killing the mold) then place it on a heating blanket, a heated stone from the fireplace which will have to be rotated out through the night or heating stone for reptile aquariums ect.... After 3 days you will have a dark brown stinky broth, now scoop out the larger bits and filter the rest through a towel or coffee filter. The brown liquid is a strong and nasty tasting penicillin tea. This can be stored in a cold cellar or frozen for later. If not frozen, ensure you filter it again should you need to use it cause more mold may have formed. Do not boil the mixture while making the tea, it will kill the mold that makes the penicillin, do not add sugar to try and hide the flavor which is quite nasty by the way as this will promote fermentation. Voila! penicillin tea! just drink 2 to 4 ounces every 4-6 hours until signs of improved health. This may take several days to get over a sickness, eating food and drinking plenty of water is crucial as energy for your body to fend off the ravages of the sickness. Also, you can boil spruce pine needles and make a pine tea in order to boost the immune system with vitamin C. Pine needles have up to 4 times more vitamin C then orange juice. That also helps stave off scurvy which makes your teeth fallout .

NOTE* Ensure that at no point that it boils. The penicillin is a secretion of the mold and releases into the water slowly.


You really have to fight your gag reflex with it, you can dilute it with more water to help weaken the taste as long as they are drinking the amount needed the 2-4 ounce tea can be diluted in a quart and that should help greatly.

Don't take it unless you get really sick, otherwise you may just harden bacteria already in your system making them penicillin tolerant. Also you will want to store it away from sunlight, your best bet is to freeze it until you need it. Otherwise just place it in the fridge in an airtight container by filling it to the top while it is warm and putting the lid on it. Place it in the fridge not freezer and as it cools it will create a vacuum seal. If intend to place in the freezer then only fill it 2/3rds of the way so it can expand.

NOTE* Which source is better to make penicillin tea? Bread, fruit or vegetable? The answer is bread (wheat bread to be exact), due to its increased surface area and the water's ability to get to the roots of the mold where penicillin is secreted. That and that fruit and vegetable molds can vary in type, some can give you gastrointestinal issues and fruit is more likely to make alcohol due to the fructose feeding the mold's fermentation

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Straight Shooter - 14 August 2013

great post P1 many many thanks!

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Grumpy Grandpa - 15 August 2013

Thanks P1. That's something I've wondered about off and on - how to extract a usable form of the drug from a tatty old bit of mould. I never did get round to researching it but now you've done it for me! Smile

Another tick on a list...

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Kenneth Eames - 15 August 2013

If you have a recipe for any of the Mycins, I would like that. I have a Penicilin allergy, so this is no good to me. Be very careful with your home-made Penicillin you could cause more harm than good. You would really need a Lab and a lot of know-how. Think carefully about what medications you can make and ensure that all the equipment you use is sterile. Kenneth Eames.

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Binnie - 15 August 2013

i watched a thing about moulds a few months ago,

There are some toxic ones that look the same as penicillin,, only idenifable by a lab apparently. i'd make the tea, but only as a last resort!

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Highlander - 15 August 2013

(15 August 2013, 06:18)Kenneth Eames Wrote: If you have a recipe for any of the Mycins, I would like that. I have a Penicilin allergy, so this is no good to me. Be very careful with your home-made Penicillin you could cause more harm than good. You would really need a Lab and a lot of know-how. Think carefully about what medications you can make and ensure that all the equipment you use is sterile. Kenneth Eames.

When I read the OP, I dismissed it as something to save for myself, thinking along the same lines,.... its a bit border line when you have to control the temperatures that carefully

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Grumpy Grandpa - 15 August 2013

Ken, HL, Binnie, I agree with your note of caution, particularly in the control of temperature - but I'd rather have a method filed away than not know...

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - bigpaul - 15 August 2013

good post P1, however 1 things strikes me, we will need this after TSHTF before this normal anti biotics will be available, but post shtf we will probably NOT be able to freeze it like you advise as more than likely the power will be off?

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Prepper1 - 15 August 2013

I think its just make batches as and when for when its needed.
Like others have said, last resort stuff, that or die from an infection...
I know which I'd try.

RE: HOW TO MAKE PENICILLIN TEA - Kenneth Eames - 16 August 2013

The Gypsies used this method for treating outer wounds but did not injest it. They were very skilled with natural medicine. The Petulengro's were particularly well versed in natural medicine. Kenneth Eames.