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Covert camping in the woods - Printable Version

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Covert camping in the woods - BeardyMan - 20 August 2013

There's a few decent sized woodlands near me, so on Friday afternoon we loaded up and set off to the biggest one for a quick overnighter.
I'd done some scouting on Google maps to see if I could spot a decent location. Unfortunately not, but I never let things like that put me off! On arriving at the woods it became apparent that the road I had seen on the map was indeed a road, but the forestry commission have closed it off, with a very loose chain Wink
We did open the gate, but I didn't really fancy getting my truck blocked in or any aggro from the FC, so we left it at the gate and started walking. Went down the path about half a mile, then spotted a track in the undergrowth that diverted from the black top. Off we went, into the woods proper. We walked for about half hour before stopping for a beverage. I dropped the pack and had a scout ahead. Just round the corner, under a downed tree was a lovely little stream. 20 feet across the other side was a perfect location, and our home for the night.

I chucked up the tarp and hammock and left the others to set up their accommodation for the evening.

We had a few beers, a little fire so we could cook our tea, and generally sat talking shit all evening (no difference there then!)
Turned in about 11 when the alcohol ran out and slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of running water - paradise.

I'd used all of our water to douse the fire, so I woke up about half 5, grabbed the katadyn and water bottle and headed off for the stream. 5 minutes and one full water bottle later I returned to find the other 2 still fast asleep - so I went exploring a bit further. Found a perfect spot for 5 or 6 hammocks 100 yards further in, loads of room for bivi'ing too.

Returned to find what I initially thought were two zombies stumbling round the camp. On closer inspection these un-dead beasts turned out to be my two mates slowly coming round to the world of the living. quick bite to eat, then time to pack up camp. Completely covered our tracks, by the time we were done there was no trace we'd ever been there.

Just as we'd all finished packing the gear away a dog walker came under the downed tree, and over the stream. She did look petrified at first sight of 3 dishevelled looking herberts dossing around in the trees, but after a jovial "Good morning" from me the look of terror slowly faded and we actually got a smile!
We sat around for another hour or so, then set off on the walk back to the truck.

PSHTF I'll be looking to get the gate open, the truck in and then secure the gate (properly) and drive all the way in. Plenty of wood pigeons there, and signs of deer too. Evidently a water source, plenty of pine trees, pretty good location. It's the site of an ancient settlement, so people have survived there before.

I'm going to pop back with Winston for another overnighter as soon as the wife allows, so I'll get in there earlier and have a better scout around before setting up camp. Nice to have a location locally that I can get out to, even if it is a bit naughty.

RE: Covert camping in the woods - Grumpy Grandpa - 20 August 2013

Nice one Beardy - spot on! (Just the thought of it takes me back a bit - and then a bit more... Big Grin)

RE: Covert camping in the woods - BeardyMan - 20 August 2013

Cheers GG Big Grin

I can't think of a better place to be.

I'll try and get some pictures next time. My mates took a few, but my phone battery lasts all of 10 minutes now, and little'un broke the wifes unbreakable camera.

RE: Covert camping in the woods - TheFalcon - 20 August 2013

Sounds like a good time was had,Ive got to move to the S.W

RE: Covert camping in the woods - bigpaul - 20 August 2013

(20 August 2013, 17:06)TheFalcon Wrote: Sounds like a good time was had,Ive got to move to the S.W

yes you have!Big GrinBig Grin

RE: Covert camping in the woods - I-K-E - 20 August 2013

sounds like you had a good time BM

RE: Covert camping in the woods - Highlander - 20 August 2013

Next time you venture in Beardy, you should maybe take some time to find a spot away from the likely dog walkers,.... but it sounded like a great night,..Its something I often do.

RE: Covert camping in the woods - BeardyMan - 21 August 2013

(20 August 2013, 19:12)Highlander Wrote: Next time you venture in Beardy, you should maybe take some time to find a spot away from the likely dog walkers,.... but it sounded like a great night,..Its something I often do.

Yup, definitely right there Highlander. Huge mistake on my part - that dog walker could have been Forestry Commission. 5 minutes earlier and the tarps would have still been laid on the ground so quite obvious as to what we were up to. The next spot along is better protected, I should be able to tuck myself in the treeline, but I need to get out and about to make sure no one would stumble across my camp by accident.

Contemplating sticking some camo netting and a cheap tent up there, hidden away. Be interesting to see if anyone finds it.

RE: Covert camping in the woods - MCavity - 21 August 2013

Ninja camping - so wrong and yet so right Big Grin

RE: Covert camping in the woods - Kenneth Eames - 23 August 2013

BM, Many places like this in my area and occassionaly you find an old house without a roof. Cover with a tarp and you have a place for the night. Many of these places are deep in the woods. I think that you could have many places to bug out here. THere are plenty of streams and some springs in the West of Scotland. Kenneth Eames.