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Sprouting for fast emergency food - Printable Version

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Sprouting for fast emergency food - BFG Central - 28 August 2013

Iv been thinking about the need and the hassle of producing fast and fresh emergency food.
Even lettuces and radishes take 30+ in ideal growing conditions.
Yet sprouting seeds can be harvested within a few days.
Now the down side is the different types of sprouted seeds are not really my cup of tea.
The up side it the seeds store for years and years and once they are sprouted they are more nutritionally available to our digestive system.
They can be eaten raw or cooked, (think beansprouts)
They dont need daylight to germinate/sprout.
I was watching this video of farmers sprouting barley for animal feed and it made me realize how easy it would be to produce food for my family and for my animals that supply me with eggs and meat.
It also seems that it could be more cost effective, for what they are saying its about a quarter of the price on the final weight.

The other option is growing micro green like this,
Ok you need light of some sort for this option but this could be done with a mix of natural sunlight and LED or strip lights to extend the plants daylight hours to 16-18 hours.

Dont forget you can still grow the same seeds to full size if you want.

RE: Sprouting for fast emergency food - Highlander - 29 August 2013

I used to grow sprouted seeds when I kept Parakeets, very easy to do, very good for you with stacks of goodness, just soak over night and then place on a piece of newspaper in a warm place

RE: Sprouting for fast emergency food - Nix - 29 August 2013

If you can afford it, buy alfalfa seeds (called the "Father of all foods" due to it's goodness). Very high in essential nutrients and vitamins etc. Slightly nutty in flavour. Been growing sprouts on/off for years. Presently doing alfalfa and mung bean sprouting. Good habit to have regardless!

RE: Sprouting for fast emergency food - Straight Shooter - 29 August 2013

I have a sprouting box with 2 trays,you can also buy a jar ,I must addmit I have not used it tidy yet but did test drive it when I bought it, I did read the nutrients increased 700% ? worked just fine and dead simple, you just reminded me, must get more seed ,good post We all need this bit of kit ,and just 3 days, but you must have a good water supply