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2012 and the risk to us... - mikebratcher69 - 13 December 2011

2012.....According to the Mayan calender the end of the world is due on the 23rd december. According to other rumors a planet called Niburu is on near collision course with earth and as a result send us into climatic turmoil and our eventual demise... theres also the sun spot activity predicted in late 2012 - 2013 that could send us back to the stone age more or less...
Now whether you believe these things or not, I'm a little concerned about the coming date myself for another reason.
And thats people.
What im trying to say is if the world doesnt end and it's all fantasy, (but as preppers I think all options should be considered) whats going to go on on the run up to 23rd december 2012?
I mean its not just a few crazy people who believe the worlds going to end, if you do the research on the tinternet, the numbers very high, I wouldnt and couldnt possibly quote numbers BUT... I'm worried about peoples reactions as the date draws closer. Are we going to suffer from more civil unrest? more crime because people think the end is nigh?
I've got a gut feeling somethings going to happen and I've had it for a good while, so have many preppers, is anybody else concerned and if so what about and what are YOU doing about it. I only ask because I like to make sure I'm not forgetting about something or not doing in my preps.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - NorthernRaider - 13 December 2011

I tend not to trhink about causes and effects, just how i can survive them, some say the Mayan calender does not end its just the end of a cycle that starts again, The earth has been going to be wiped out by a mystyery planet at least five times so far in my lifetime, but nowt happened, if you want to read about fear mongering hype do a google for Harold Camping.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - Skean Dhude - 13 December 2011

That'll spoilt Xmas. But the question is do I spend on presents or not. If it doesn't happen I'll be in trouble.

My view is that we are preparing for these things. If they are survivable we will make it. If not, well there isn't much we can do.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - mikebratcher69 - 13 December 2011

Its not the actual reason i'm concerned 2012, I'm more concerned about peoples reaction to it.
I cant say that I've seen much in England in the way of any type of response to anything, people seem to be unresponsive to any type of event which disturbs me somewhat and I find that weird. It seems to me that events in the world seem to drift by most folks, with hardly any fuss or even half the time registering with them.
You seem to get the usual knee jerk response to guns and such and anybody with a gun seems to be treated as a potential michael ryan or such.
Maybe thats the sheeple response, maybe thats why I find it so hard to understand.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - Prep Girl - 14 December 2011

I'm really in to 2012 but I don't believe the world will end, if I believed that there would be no point in prepping, but in case I'm wrong I'm prepared! if that planet which some claim is actually a space ship is going to hit us , we'll see it coming, I'll crack open the brandy and drink till we pass out won't know a thing about it! Smile
The bit about the sun is true, it gets more active as we speak but the flares and CME'S have to be directed at the Earth, some have been already but not bad enough to cause disruption but maybe some thing to do with the power cuts and drained power stories I've been hearing , even NASA have put out a be prepared video but if they know what's coming one things for sure they won't tell us! but the other side of that is, a lot of these ''experts'' have books out and a little bit of hype and scaremongering sells a lot of books! having said that there are a lot of references to 2012 out there, the mayan's the Hopi Indians, the Bible, Nostradamus, I don't doubt the end of the world as we know it is coming but I believe the calm and prepared stand a good chance of surviving it.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - Kenneth Eames - 14 December 2011

Yes, I believe that 2012 is going to be a disastrous year. Firstly, the recession will hit your survival preps and then, as Mike Bratcher says, the people who are scared will commence to do stupid things. Remember what happened in America when 'The War of the Worlds' was broadcast. Many people believed it was happening and many went totally bonkers. We must take this into the equation. This site has given us many things to think about and it is advisable to keep rereading the posts. Learn as much as you can. Fortunately, many years ago, I had lots of material put on to microfilm. It is a very useful library. I need this site added. Kenneth Eames.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - NorthernRaider - 14 December 2011

Mike if anything I think it will be used as an excuse for fools to panic, arson, riot and loot as it heads towards crimbo 2012, it will give the lower forms of life the excuse to run rampage again in the citys, and its likely to be exacerbated by others who react in blind panic.
And as a wise chap pointed out on another forum, city dwelling preppers may be well equipped but it wont help if half the local ethnic yoof gangs set fire to the entire street.

I prefer to watch events unfold from afar.
I'll give it more attention if suddenly HMG and the USG suddenly start repatriating large numbers of combat troops on foreign deployment back home in a hurry and dont put them back in their home garrisons. And if to many ministers and senators suddenly go AWOL. other indicators are likely to be a sudden surge in the price of oil and grain and possibly shortages of them especially as this year was a record grain harvest. If they suddenly got expensive or unavailable it would indicate that the govt is hoarding supplies. Another pointer would be government restrictions on travel.

So I'll monitor for the usual pointers and triggers and prep as normal because wether its a CME or the EU the response will be the same, stock up, hunker down and get as far away from the cities as possible.

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - mikebratcher69 - 14 December 2011

Thanks for your input peeps, I have the same train of thought, and am watching very closely events and troop movements and absentee government etc, I like to make sure I'm on the same page of the book and make sure my preppers paranoia doesnt get the best of me. And as this site is full of level headed folks that helps greatly, It's nice to know that theres others chugging along the same track...

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - grumpy old man - 14 December 2011

mike i thought i was going mad about prepping until i found this site
i now know that if anything did happen and all the sheeple died of then only the normal peolpe like us preppers would be left
as they say every cloude has a silver linning:.)

RE: 2012 and the risk to us... - bigpaul - 14 December 2011

(14 December 2011, 10:36)grumpy old man Wrote: mike i thought i was going mad about prepping until i found this site
i now know that if anything did happen and all the sheeple died of then only the normal peolpe like us preppers would be left
as they say every cloude has a silver linning:.)

now wouldn't that be something to see?Big Grin