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A worrying tale - BFG Central - 8 September 2013

While generally chatting to a lad i know (27 years old) he mentioned he was talking to his mum about a zombie film she was watching and she asked him what he would do if something bad ever happened to the world.
The conversation went away from fictional zombies and turned to real life survival.
He told me the if the SHTF (his words) he would find his mental mates and go straight out and take what ever they could from people better off than him and if that meant doing it by force so be it.

Another comment from him was.

"No one ever did me any favours so why shouldnt i take what ever i want from others who have things i want or need?...... F**k um, I will make sure im all right"

It made me think more about what will really happen when the SHTF????

As he was talking my heart was in my mouth and i felt sick.

RE: A worrying tale - Midnitemo - 9 September 2013

lets just hope he was bigging himself up.

(9 September 2013, 00:00)Midnitemo Wrote: lets just hope he was bigging himself up.

but then again "live by the sword die by the shotgun blast to the chest from a severely pissed off older and wiser survivalist"

RE: A worrying tale - Skean Dhude - 9 September 2013

With advance planning like that he sure is a genius. Even if people don't plan it out like that then they must think of that within a day or two of the event.

The problem, for him, is desperate people will want to keep hold of what they have and him and his mental mates will soon be fighting among themselves when easy prey dries up.

Keep away from him. He has more chance of finding out what you are doing if your family thinks he is a friend. Then he has at least one address on his list.

RE: A worrying tale - River Song - 9 September 2013

Does anyone know if eBay or Amazon carries body bags?

RE: A worrying tale - bigpaul - 9 September 2013

has he never heard of the saying " the bigger they are, the harder they fall!"Big Grin

RE: A worrying tale - Nix - 9 September 2013

It's precisely that sort of attitude mixed with gang mentality that scares the sh*t out of me!

RE: A worrying tale - bigpaul - 9 September 2013

(9 September 2013, 09:37)Nix Wrote: It's precisely that sort of attitude mixed with gang mentality that scares the sh*t out of me!

its just BS! people like that wont last 5 minutes in the real world post SHTF.

RE: A worrying tale - Steve - 9 September 2013

When people get hungry they'll do whatever it takes, that's why it's vital to look just as hungry as everyone else.

RE: A worrying tale - Lightspeed - 9 September 2013

The first and only solution of desperate people is to take from others who are weaker than themselves.

Its Darwinism in action. Survival of the fittest.

We have to expect and make plans to counter precisely this kind of behaviour.

Such B/S talk might be all bravado today, but the seed is now planted...It WILL sprout into action, supported by the rationalisiation of need and hunger, if and when really bad times arrive.

RE: A worrying tale - bigpaul - 9 September 2013

(9 September 2013, 09:45)Steve Wrote: When people get hungry they'll do whatever it takes, that's why it's vital to look just as hungry as everyone else.

I don't think that will be a problem Steve, most people will have a more physical lifestyle post shtf than they have now.