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Complicated Comms made easy - Printable Version

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Complicated Comms made easy - Scythe13 - 11 September 2013

This is something that annoyed the hell out of me, but I'm really enjoying at the moment!

Comms is a very complicated mind boggling thing! Oh wait, I mean, it used to be.

If you take your time to learn the acronyms and all the jargon stuff, it's amazingly simple to actually pick up comms and get a basic understanding. I'm nowhere near LS or MikeA's level of understanding. But within about a week I have been able to 'with half hearted effort' pick up the basics of what comms is about and how it works.

If you are scared of comms and how to get your radio working with CTCSS, sort squelching, and work in both UHF and VHF, while transmitting via a Parrot...damn right I get this stuff. Then just take your time.

If you're that interested in comms, please post on this thread. I'm going to try to distill the 2.5% of what you need to know to get up and running with comms.

For example, you don't need to understand radiation, magnetrons, and molecular resonance to be able to work a microwave. You just press a few buttons and suddenly, you have hot food. It's very similar with basic comms equipment. You don't need to understand how everything works. You just need to know what buttons to press to get that hot meal, right?

If you're interested, please comment here and I'll try to get it so that everything is very simple.

If you're not interested, please don't comment. Enough comments and I'll start a "I'm smarter than S13 - guide to comms" It will be designed to take you from smarter than me, to much more capable than me, in regard to comms.

If there's not enough of an interest, I won't bother with it.

RE: Complicated Comms made easy - TheFalcon - 11 September 2013

Ive just got the baofeng uv5r and dont know much about it,Had a bit of a play with it loaded the suk preshtf data on it and can manually type in what freq i want and went in on the jobcenter security freq Big Grin but other than that i dont have a clue

RE: Complicated Comms made easy - BeardyMan - 11 September 2013

(11 September 2013, 15:49)TheFalcon Wrote: Ive just got the baofeng uv5r and dont know much about it,Had a bit of a play with it loaded the suk preshtf data on it and can manually type in what freq i want and went in on the jobcenter security freq Big Grin but other than that i dont have a clue

Bring it with you this weekend matey and I'll show you what's what Big Grin

RE: Complicated Comms made easy - OpSecRadio - 12 September 2013

I like your thinking and your plan S13. I look forward to seeing your info. If I'm able to contribute at any time time then I'll be happy to do so. I guess the byline is "KISS, keep it simple stupid", so as many people as possible can benefit.

RE: Complicated Comms made easy - I-K-E - 12 September 2013

sound interesting

RE: Complicated Comms made easy - Scythe13 - 12 September 2013

If anyone at all said yes, I would have done it anyway. We're about helping each other on here, right?

Comms was an enemy of mine until I learned how simple the basics can be. I will not go high tech at all!!!

This will take a few days to sort out what the basics that you need to know are. I'll debunk the complicated jargon that's relevant to the lesson, so there won't be a world of complicated terms to remember. At most, it will be two terms per lesson, and take your time with the lessons.

Work through the series nice and slowly. If you've got a radio, you'll get better understanding of what it's capable of. If you don't have a radio, you'll be able to understand what's going on when you get one. But I really do recommend getting at least 1 radio, and having a friend with the same model, or a similar one. If you have 2 radios, you'll be amazed by how quickly a little playing around can teach you stuff.

But for now, I'll be writing stuff up. Hopefully I'll have the first lesson up and ready by the weekend. Busy busy busy.

Oh, and if stuff seems to be going too slowly, and the stuff I've taught you is too obvious, it just means I'm a kick ass teacher haha.
