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Camping With Idiots - Printable Version

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Camping With Idiots - Mortblanc - 13 October 2013

Ever go camping with someone that was supposed to be a hot shot in the woods, only to find them worthless except on a keyboard.

And within 5 minutes of exiting the vehicle they scared the pi$$ out of you doing some fool thing, and it did not stop with that!

And you had the sneaking suspicion that if they did injure you they would walk off and leave you where you lay.

And you spent the remainder of the trip wondering if you were going to get home uninjured, or get home at all.

Sort of what I imagine camping with Bear Grylls would be like.

Or my younger brother.

RE: Camping With Idiots - Skean Dhude - 13 October 2013

Yes. I found that out not long ago but the good news was it was I who was the weak link. So I leeched off the others. Lucky my bags were loaded with food and I had warm clothing otherwise I would have starved or frozen to death. Those fish I was planning to live on never took one bite.

RE: Camping With Idiots - Scythe13 - 14 October 2013

I'm usually doing the stupid stuff and make everyone else look good haha.

RE: Camping With Idiots - Highlander - 14 October 2013

I have yet to go camping with anyone else, its just the dogs and me, and they dont know stupid from

RE: Camping With Idiots - bigpaul - 15 October 2013

if you go camping with idiots, you'll only do it once-or you should only do it once if you've got any sense!Big Grin