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Result! - Lightspeed - 4 November 2013

Mrs LS and I spent a very busy weekend winterizing our little country cottage.

We got home very late last night and it was bit of a struggle getting up this morning. To make matters worse, when we reached the car it was completely blocked in by a convoy of gas board vehicles who were apparently on the scene to deal with some supply problem in the neighbourhood.

Once we eventually got moving, Mrs LS squeezed my hand and said "maybe gas will get cut today....that'll mean no heating and no cooking for many people. Imagine how terrible it would be if that continued for more than a couple of days...its reassuring to know that we have the cottage to fall back on"

Yes, she really does get it now.


RE: Result! - I-K-E - 4 November 2013

sounds great LS

RE: Result! - Scythe13 - 4 November 2013


That's awesome mate! Really fantastic news!

I'm still only 70% there with my wife, but slowly and surely she's getting there. Having the prepper neighbour has helped her a bit too. Also the fact that her semi-surrogate father (the guy and wife we're looking at getting a small holding with) sees the world going to crap.

But when that day comes that Mrs S13 is on board the same way your lady is, we'll be celebrating that bit of news the same way we are celebrating yours mate.

Congratulations mate. I'm genuinely really pleased for you.

RE: Result! - uks - 4 November 2013

Great news

RE: Result! - bigpaul - 4 November 2013

good news, at least one more OH "gets it"!!Big Grin

RE: Result! - Nix - 4 November 2013

Brilliant stuff, makes it all worth while, aye?

RE: Result! - Lightspeed - 4 November 2013

Thanks guys. Yes, its a relief that she is now joining up the dots for herself.

Its been a slow process, with my having had to endure a good deal of sympathetic accepting of my weird view of life!

The cottage conversion has turned out to be most helpful in winning her around. We have together worked out what measures to put in place for various and all grid failures.

RE: Result! - Tibbs735 - 4 November 2013

I'm thinking of asking my neighbours about starting a transition communityon our street, to get them prepping without even realising it!

RE: Result! - uks - 4 November 2013

had a little result with the mother in law she's 80 and wants me to get her "just in-case" a gas burner, couple of hurricane lamps and fuel for both. Ive also told her to get some more food in, as well as water. It just goes to show that you are never to old to see the light.

RE: Result! - Highlander - 4 November 2013

Congratulations,... that must make life a whole lot easier