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energy debt on the rise. - Printable Version

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energy debt on the rise. - Sunna - 9 June 2014

more and more brits are falling into debt over their energy bills.

whats the answer...?

RE: energy debt on the rise. - bigpaul - 9 June 2014

go off grid, get a log burner.

RE: energy debt on the rise. - Sunna - 9 June 2014

how about re nationalise the power companys, build 1000s of new energy saving homes [change the law so only homes like these can be built] building these homes with british workers and only useing british goods made in gb.

RE: energy debt on the rise. - bigpaul - 9 June 2014

nice idea but it'll never happen, we've got a general election next May-they'll promise us the earth then when their in power promptly forget all their promises, in any case they will never spend tax money from the treasury on such stuff, they expect private money to fill the bill.

RE: energy debt on the rise. - Mortblanc - 10 June 2014

So the answer is more government power, more government regulation, locking down the borders and restricting imports?

RE: energy debt on the rise. - Steve - 10 June 2014

The simple answer is "learn to use less energy". It's not difficult to put on some warm clothing, but many people would rather reach for the central heating switch instead. We've become very spoiled by having such cheap fuel for years, we're still not paying anywhere near the true value of it.

If you think about the amount of actual work that can be done by a gallon of diesel you realize what an amazing bargain it is. For example, my van will carry itself and two tons of goods for 30 miles on a gallon. Imagine how much manual effort would be required to do that. I read somewhere that one single barrel of crude can do as much work as a man working 40hrs a week could do in 11 years. Bargain of the century.