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Concequences of an Israili air strike on Irans Nuclear facilities - Printable Version

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Concequences of an Israili air strike on Irans Nuclear facilities - mikebratcher69 - 5 January 2012

If the US or Israel were to hit any of the said Iranian nuclear facilities or reactors, it has the potential to become a giant ‘dirty bomb’. In such a scenario, the civilian deaths could exceed 100,000 per week, and a radioactive fall-out would certainly spill over into the surrounding US clients like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait and possibly as far as Israel/Palestine, Turkey, Pakistan, India and parts of southern Europe.

Following such a radiological event, the West would certainly be blamed for any and all environmental damage and death which occurs, resulting in a massive loss of international face, followed by massive financial reparations which would ultimately cripple their already weak economies. Worse than this however, it would certainly throw the global economy into a long economic depression.

Most sane analysts would agree, this is a risk to high, and a price too high to pay. Then the real question is, are analysts in Washington and Tel Aviv sane enough to make policy decisions?

Extract from
Patrick Henningsen
January 4, 2011

RE: Concequences of an Israili air strike on Irans Nuclear facilities - Skean Dhude - 5 January 2012

No. Next question.