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00111001 - Printable Version

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00111001 - 00111001 - 5 January 2012

Afternoon all!

I've come here to set up a new home!

Been into prepping etc for what feels like ages now - I'm just outside Basingstoke, hidden away above a farm shop.

There's me, the missus and the little fat man. Oh, and the furry feline.

Look forward to getting stuck in - and not getting kicked out! Big Grin

RE: 00111001 - Scythe13 - 5 January 2012

I used to live in Old Basing, pre 2000. Damn it's a small world!!!

It looks like we have a good new home here Binary Ninja (your new name)

RE: 00111001 - NorthernRaider - 5 January 2012

Hi Guys, welcome.

RE: 00111001 - mikebratcher69 - 5 January 2012

Hello and welcome from sunny Manchester...Big Grin

RE: 00111001 - Kenneth Eames - 6 January 2012

Hello and welcome from Scotland. Hope you find what you require in the site. Good luck. I was in Basingstoke a number of times many years ago. The last time was in 1959 when I walked from Portsmouth to Edinburgh. I would have to look at the map to trace my route. However, I do remember going through Basingstoke and Hannington and I think on to Wantage. Correct me if I am wrong. Kenneth Eames.

RE: 00111001 - 00111001 - 6 January 2012

(6 January 2012, 03:13)Kenneth Eames Wrote: Hello and welcome from Scotland. Hope you find what you require in the site. Good luck. I was in Basingstoke a number of times many years ago. The last time was in 1959 when I walked from Portsmouth to Edinburgh. I would have to look at the map to trace my route. However, I do remember going through Basingstoke and Hannington and I think on to Wantage. Correct me if I am wrong. Kenneth Eames.

Hi - that's a fair old trek you undertook!

I've only been here the last 6 months to be honest - don't really know the area that well. I know Wantage isn't too far though.

I'm originally from Peterborough - it's a bit nicer down here though (as long as you stay away from Basingstoke itself!)

RE: 00111001 - NorthernRaider - 6 January 2012

Basingstoke Eh? You wont have any excuse not to go to the Wilderness Gathering in August then Smile

RE: 00111001 - Scythe13 - 6 January 2012

I know the area of Basingstoke and Old Basing really well (lived there 8 years). There's a little stream that runs through Old Basing. If you follow that stream down towards the Lime Pits, you'll find a beautiful pub. If you follow the treat up, under the train bridge, to a small bridge that has a road going over it, on the other side you'll find an awesome little woods! If you trek around there, you'll possibly find a hut that I built when I was 13. I doubt it is still there, but if you do decide to pop over, tell me if you find it.