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-7 temps on way - Printable Version

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-7 temps on way - Sunna - 7 December 2014

snow , high winds , you know the drill.

met office weather warning.

RE: -7 temps on way - Lightspeed - 7 December 2014

Winterization already well under way.

last week:-

watering hose drained and stored indoors

Outside tap stop cock closed and circuit drained.

Backup cold water tank drained

Pressure washer drained

main stop cock (under garden) insulated.

Snow bridges installed around roof perimeter

Gutters given a final clean

finalised glass fibre wool over ceiling insulation ( 32mm) above bedrooms...this was a horrible job as that loft is also the old grain store so has extra strengthening beams above which is a 1" thick tongue and groove floor that's been undisturbed for more than 50 years.... maybe a lot more than 50 years judging by some of the rubbish we removed from the previously uninsulated ceiling layer under it.

.....and most important prep of all, twinkly exterior Christmas lights installed.

RE: -7 temps on way - NorthernRaider - 7 December 2014

Repost for the helluvit


Prevention is better than cure keep your house and vehicle etc properly maintained at all times.

House / retreat
Winter fire wood obtained / cut / dried and accessible when snow has fallen
Coal / Oil stocks ordered? Delivered and stored properly
Gas bottles changed and empty ones refilled / replaced
Gutters cleaned, drain traps cleared of debris
Fencing and posts checked for integrity and stability
Check security lights (Bulbs, Clean lenses, Clean PIRs)
Window seals checked (black and green algae scraped off seals / drain points)
Boiler (furnace) serviced and certified
Set thermostat on heating to prevent freezing of system
Bleed Radiators
Doors /windows draught proofed
Drains free flowing and clear of debris
Locks and hinges oiled
Spare candles / flashlights / Chemical Light Sticks / lanterns etc,
Emergency heating kit checked
Snow shovel / ice scrapers to hand
Pre-salted sloping access roads / drives?
Spare fuses/ circuit breakers
Boarding up shuttering for broken windows set aside (with fittings)
Weather warning radio working and tuned in to local service
Sweep Chimney if you have wood / coal stove, check ventilation - drafting
Clean solar panels, check wiring / battery bank / specific gravity/ fluid levels.
Check and maintain external aerials TV / CB / Cell / Ham and cable connectors
Check & replace bottled gas regulator and hose if over 3 years old
Defrost and clean out freezers if heavily iced up
Clean, oil and maintain power tools like Chainsaws etc
Garden furniture brought in or covered up
*Check on neighbour’s well-being? *

Livestock / pets sorted out
Animal feedstock got in.
Greenhouses cleaned and disinfected, glass checked for integrity
Tools cleaned, disinfected, oiled and put away
Sheds / Garages/ Stores checked for weatherproofing and security

Personal / family

Extra food stocks got in case of snow / ice storm / whiteout
Rotate food stocks if necessary to ensure freshness
Prescription medicines got in if required by family members
Winter clothing got out of storage cleaned / aired and reproofed if necessary
Boots weatherproofed and cleaned
New script eye glasses obtained if necessary
Cans / foods rotated
Water filters cleaned / elements changed
Caches checked, updated etc
Bug out routes reccied
BOB’s checked and updated if necessary
Contact plans / pick up plans arranged for family members stranded by weather at school or work etc.
Personal security equipment cleaned / oil / checked etc


Get the latest Council winter road gritting map and plan your commute / BO routes accordingly

Check CB / Ham radio installation
Top up / change antifreeze
Tighten /adjust drive belts
Tyre condition /pressures
Jet wash underside, valet / polish bodywork
Check hoses for cracks, splits and tightness of hose clips
Lube locks
Change wiper blades (normally bi-annually)
Replace HL bulbs if over 5 years old (they have lost 20% of their brightness)
Check M & S tyres condition if still in store
Check your tyre chains
Fit thinner oil if you live in very northern climes.
Check battery condition and leads
Check demister / de-icer systems
Degrease windscreen inside and out
Radio set to accept weather and traffic news reports
Update Satnav data / Get new road map
Sleeping bag/ survival blanket
Chemical light sticks / flashlights/spare batteries
Candle/ matches
Snow dye
Survival kit
Snow mats
Short wave radio / batteries
Hot drink making kit
Vehicle spares,
bulbs & fuses,
hose clips,
hose repair kit,
exhaust repair kit,
cable ties & duct tape
snow chains
wheel brace
spanners / sockets and screwdrivers
tyre levers & tyre pump

RE: -7 temps on way - Lightspeed - 7 December 2014

I think I've seen that list before NR Blush

The car section made me smile....coz all done and dusted and Landrover fully prepped for the coming snowy conditions, then last week on a 10 mile foray to collect extra supplies of brickettes the top hose gave way in spectacular fashion. On course first snow fell overnight. Brilliant!

RE: -7 temps on way - NorthernRaider - 7 December 2014

This is the Landy I want for Crimbo

RE: -7 temps on way - Devonian - 7 December 2014

(7 December 2014, 12:12)NorthernRaider Wrote: This is the Landy I want for Crimbo

The steering wheel's not even on the correct side!

RE: -7 temps on way - Sunna - 7 December 2014

well at 1130 am , my little part of the world its raining hard with heavy wind .

RE: -7 temps on way - Barneyboy - 7 December 2014

its bloody cold here

RE: -7 temps on way - River Song - 7 December 2014

Yummy I want one of those twisted defenders as well. I wonder whether it do it in girlie colours like pink

RE: -7 temps on way - Sunna - 7 December 2014

finished chopping kindleing just as the sun went down , wow did the temp drop , cloud free night tonight Confused