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Tax Time - Mortblanc - 2 April 2015

Well it is tax time over here.

I filed my forms and paid my dues for another year.

Big personal purchases will be out of the question for a few days.

Where is Robin Hood when you need him?

RE: Tax Time - Barneyboy - 2 April 2015

hes lying low at the moment ,hes on a 0 hour contracted ,the bed room tax is hittng him hard and atos is after him because he wears tights and runs around in the woods Smile

RE: Tax Time - bigpaul - 2 April 2015

I heard Tax Office is doing away with paper tax returns and going paperless, all tax will be paid online in future, why is it that TPTB just assume "everyone" is online these days? I know quite a few people who aren't.

RE: Tax Time - Tartar Horde - 2 April 2015

Tax, what's that lol.

RE: Tax Time - BeardyMan - 2 April 2015

Tax-man bastards rape me every year.
£2k VAT bill for 6 weeks work. That's just wrong.

Getting married on Saturday, could have done with keeping hold of that cash for a couple of months really!

RE: Tax Time - bigpaul - 2 April 2015

left that a bit late????Big GrinTongueBig Grin I thought you already were.

RE: Tax Time - BeardyMan - 2 April 2015

(2 April 2015, 10:26)bigpaul Wrote: left that a bit late????Big GrinTongueBig Grin I thought you already were.

Yeah, something always came up so we struggled to find the right time to do it. Not long now though!

Think I get increased tax relief after we're married though, so that'll be nice.

RE: Tax Time - bigpaul - 2 April 2015

well April is the traditional time to get married, something to do with Tax Rebates I believe, never got married in april myself, May, September and with Jane it was June!!!

RE: Tax Time - Devonian - 2 April 2015

(2 April 2015, 10:01)BeardyMan Wrote: Getting married on Saturday, could have done with keeping hold of that cash for a couple of months really!

Commiserations, sorry.......... I mean congratulations to you both, I hope it all goes well and you both have a really great day Smile

RE: Tax Time - Midnitemo - 2 April 2015

I'm an organised wage slave(PAYE) no tax returns for me...only downside is I can't get the taxman to help fund any of my prepping projects by claiming them to be work related.

Congrate Beardy first 25 years are the worst lol...bit like having kids really lol