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Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - mikebratcher69 - 9 January 2012

An Iranian newspaper quotes a senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guard as saying that Tehran's leadership has decided to order the closure of the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf if the country's oil exports are blocked.

Khorasan daily reported Sunday that Ali Ashraf Nouri says the strategic decision has been made by Iran's top authorities.

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - bigpaul - 9 January 2012

(9 January 2012, 00:33)mikebratcher69 Wrote: An Iranian newspaper quotes a senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guard as saying that Tehran's leadership has decided to order the closure of the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf if the country's oil exports are blocked.

Khorasan daily reported Sunday that Ali Ashraf Nouri says the strategic decision has been made by Iran's top authorities.
how are they going to do that?? i'm assuming they dont own or control both banks of the straights??

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - mikebratcher69 - 9 January 2012

Mines usually or anti aircraft guns from one bank "bang bang bang" and down the ship goes...
Youd be amazed at what happens at night when all aboard the us and friendly forces sleep, out creeps a dingy or 3 filled with explosives...
Its not tacticaly hard to close the straights, sink one or two ships and NOTHING (civillian)will dare to sail through...Thats not saying they wont pay a heavy price for doing it, russian aircraft carriers or not, most if not all of the us fifth fleets there now with a lot of other armour and troops.
They'd sink the russian boats in minutes if they interfered, and pay the piper later with probably another cold war between the uk, us vs china and russia etc.
The Americans shoot first and ask questions later..

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - Scythe13 - 9 January 2012

Don't forget the straight is not the widest on earth. It would be very simple to defend/control.

Think of the 300 Spartans using the bottle-neck of the mountains to cut power/weight of numbers to zero.

To close the straight would be a simple process. As MB says, mines and the alike. But you'd also need a few anti aircraft to stop any ariel attacks, right? Wait, I though Iran was a no fly zone?

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - Skean Dhude - 9 January 2012

or just sink one of their own boats there. Blame the US for doing so and enjoy the fun.

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - Kenneth Eames - 9 January 2012

Mike with the recession in the West could the US afford to sink Russian ships? The Russian and far-eastern Communist States could pose a decided threat to the West. I think it would be foolish to do this. However, with the number of Nutters in power in the US you could be right. I do hope that it doesn't happen for I need to gather more preps. I keep adding to my lists of wants. Kenneth Eames.

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - mikebratcher69 - 9 January 2012

Ken theres nothing the ammo manufacturers etc would love imagine all that ammo being sold... the only human life they care abouts their own.
Did you read the reports about body parts returned from Iraq and Afghanistan being dumped in landfills in the U.S. been on the mainstream news over there. just goes to show how nuch they value those who fight, and if we dont support their money making schemes what use are we?
russia may have an army navy etc, but it's nothing compared to the U.S. armoury.
Wars make money, always have done and always will.

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - grumpy old man - 10 January 2012

hate to say it but !!!
america should strike first and pay the piper later every country is taking the mick.
korea and iran are the same some times you have to be aggressive to keep what you have russia and china would not do a thing who else would buy their cheap rubbish and by striking first it sends a clear message out to the world ?
you can't make an omllette with out breaking a few eggs

RE: Iran Decides to Close Hormuz if Oil Exports Blocked - Jodansgang - 10 January 2012

In many ways I have to agree. All this sounding off by the Iranians is as the US have said "crossing the red line" . Sometimes it just calls for the bigger man to be "the bigger man". As my old mum used to say "sticks and stones break bones but the threat of full scale war may boost the economy in the US at the expense of humanity" or something like that.