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World War III Closer than ever - Printable Version

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World War III Closer than ever - River Song - 30 June 2015

This takes some reading but it is well written
and doesn't look like the usual tin-foil-hat stuff

RE: World War III Closer than ever - Straight Shooter - 1 July 2015

An excellent piece RS well worth the time to read it....building shelter ...right now !

RE: World War III Closer than ever - Mortblanc - 1 July 2015

That might be worrisome for those that can not remember the 1950s/60s/70s/80s

I became a prepper in 1962 when Kennedy and Niketa both had their fingers on the launch button and all anyone could do was sit around and say "We're all gonna' die!"

The Russians of that day had sacrificed 25% of their population in WW2 and considered sacrificing another 50% a calculated risk.

I am not worried about Putin, he has had access to nukes for his entire career, its the U.S. government giving morons in the middle east a nuke that worries me. They will kill us all just because we are here.

RE: World War III Closer than ever - Straight Shooter - 1 July 2015

Very true MB !....we are all going to die anyway....thanks for lifting my spirits this morning...i was a bit down....but i am flying high

RE: World War III Closer than ever - River Song - 1 July 2015

MB I dont want to appear rude but you do sound like a mouthpiece for RT (Russia Today).

I don't believe in my wildest dreams that the US would themselves use battlefield tactical nuclear weapons. (Israel might if it felt that it was in real danger of being wiped out by Iran)

But Putin would certainly use them. He has virtually said so over the past year. Russian feels itself surrounded by foes and really thinks that the west is going to invade tomorrow. Its paranoia is widespread.

IMHO the threat is real. Next question what preps do we do/have so help surivive is is it actually a complete waste of time?

RE: World War III Closer than ever - Skean Dhude - 1 July 2015

Putin is at heart Western guy. Powerful and vain. He doesn't want to die any more than we do and he knows that he will be ground zero if the button is pressed. Despite the Russians having the only anti ballistic missile system that works, in a fashion, he knows it will leave his cushy life in ruins.

This is politics at the top end.

These Muslim nutters though just don't have that concern. To me they are the equivalent of a deadly virus that is indiscriminate and will kill itself to kill every one of us. Our politicians are doing as they always do which is covering it up until it can no longer be covered then they will wring their hands and say 'Who could have foreseen this?'

RE: World War III Closer than ever - bigpaul - 1 July 2015

Putin might be a grandstander but he isn't stupid, he knows all about MAD..mutually assured destruction...and he wont risk that. however I agree with SD, IS are something completely different and they do want the complete nihiliation of anything and anybody who don't believe in their twisted version of Islam.

RE: World War III Closer than ever - CharlesHarris - 1 July 2015

I'm familiar with the archives of the late Max Fisher. He was a security advisor in the Reagan administration and professor who nurtured today's great geo-political brains, such as Professor Thomas Nichols of the (US) Naval War College. While the article is somewhat dated, it rings more true now than when it was fresh. George Friedman at Stratfor has wriiten on the same theme. Our frightening new reality.

RE: World War III Closer than ever - Straight Shooter - 1 July 2015

I just wonder what would be the state of play if the rolls was reversed between Russia and the USA given the same geographical situation...we must remember the USA first ...talked of tactical small nuclear devices for limited use...who would NOT see a threat if the Russians were to put in a puppet government in Mexico or Canada ...i do not think the USA would like them apples would they ?....some female idiot from the US admin even bragged of paying for Yats to be installed along with choc choc can,t make this stuff up... Ukraine .... and by the way i am no mouth piece for Vlad ...i am driven by the fact i don,t fancy being vaporized along with my wife , Daughters and my grand children .