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Strange Happening USA 8 July - Printable Version

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Strange Happening USA 8 July - River Song - 8 July 2015

Odd things happening

NYSE halted - computer glitch(??)

Wall St Journal - Problems with website

China - stocks and shares in meltdown. Government bans trading
for everyone will a certain amount of holdings.

Amber warning

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Mortblanc - 8 July 2015

Never fear folks, the U.S. is not in financial meltdown.

The computer glitch was in the hardware connecting the outside world to the trading floor. Trading was suspended because they could not register activity.

There was no cyber attack.

And they did not shut down to avert a panic. The DOW was up by 25 points when they closed at 11:30am.

And the China thing??? What did you expect, their system is made in China!

The Chinese economy is completely state controlled an everything that happens inside that system is under the control of the state and done for a specific purpose.

They will freeze their system, shut down their "open market", nationalize the foreign investment capitol and seize the assets when the time is right for them.

It makes me glad I do not have any KFC or McDonalds stock in my portfolio.

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - CharlesHarris - 8 July 2015

NYSE says it was a glitch from a new software rollout and not a hack. NYSE reports no issues and is running normally.

NEW YORK – The latest on halted trading at the New York Stock Exchange (all times Eastern):

1:55 p.m.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says President Obama was briefed on the technical problem that has halted trading on the New York Stock exchange by White House counterterrorism and homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco and chief of staff Denis McDonough.

He says Monaco told the president there is no indication that malicious actors are involved.

Earnest said the NYSE has been in close contact with the Department of Homeland Security, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Treasury Department.

He says that despite indications that this was not a cyber-breach, "The administration is keenly aware of the risk that exists in cyber space right now."

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Scythe13 - 8 July 2015


Got any reputable links on this? Would be well worth a check.

Oddly, silver has reached a 5 year low! Buy Buy Buy!!!

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - CharlesHarris - 8 July 2015
Within an hour, sources were suggesting the issue had more to do with computer glitches than some major event, but it had the talking heads babbling. The inauspicious timing, given the market’s recent volatility caused by China and Greece, was enough to get nervous investors to start popping antacids. Not knowing precisely what has happened, making too many assumptions would be foolhardy.

Read: NYSE wasn’t hacked, but criminals have cracked exchanges before

What is certain, however, is that the trading outage is unusual, but not unique. In August 2013, the Nasdaq had a surprise afternoon shutdown that lasted for about three hours. That exchange in 1987 and 1994 had two separate occasions when it was shuttered after adventurous squirrels chewed power lines, flaming out trading until the power grid could be restarted.
The most recent NYSE outage in memory was in June of 2009, when a computer malfunction stopped trading for about 30 minutes. There are countless other examples, most of them forgotten within days of when they first created headlines.

Wednesday’s events should give pause to investors who depend on trading systems and a highly complex network of various exchanges to trade. For those who invest for the long run, it may not make much of a difference. But for those who trade regularly — and that includes the brokers and fund managers operating on behalf of clients — the shutdown is troubling, indeed. Arnie Mori, a retired portfolio manager, once told me: “In the long run, intelligently diversified portfolios reflect a reasonable approximation of underlying value. Traders, on the other hand, are at the mercy of irrational price swings and anomalies.” Today he reached out to say: “Still true.”

More Related:

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - River Song - 8 July 2015

7.30pm No Guys - NYSE STILL DOWN

United Airlines - reported Router Problem

WSJ - No idea

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Steve - 8 July 2015

I absolutely believe the official sources that state these are unrelated incidents related to software / hardware glitches.

I also believe in the Tooth Fairy, Father Christmas, and George Osbornes economic recovery.

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Straight Shooter - 8 July 2015

" I did not have sex with that woman "........."Watch my lips" ............" we came we saw he died " "Yes we can ! ".....but we probably will not.....Bull shit at its finest.

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Sunna - 8 July 2015

if the us was under attack , they would have to say stop economic panic.

RE: Strange Happening USA 8 July - Mortblanc - 9 July 2015

Sorry guys, I really hate to disappoint you but the NYSE was back up in three hours.

They did report that cyber security stock soared for the remainder of the day, so there are some very rich techies laughing all the way to the bank this evening.

I know its a disappointment, but we are still here, our economy has not crashed, the world is not ending, the electricity is still flowing and the internet still works.

As for the truth of the situation, well this one was in the private sector and a whole lot of people were involved before the government even heard about the problem. Very difficult to keep those hundreds of mouths shut before the Men In Black could sweep through with their memory erasers.

But if they did one can take some comfort in the fact that they caught the problem, solved it and moved on with their day. So if it was a cyber attack and someone lied, or if it was a cockroach running across the IC chips,,,,I just don't care!