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is this a joke - Printable Version

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is this a joke - Sunna - 24 October 2015

is this a joke ...?....or could this happen .

RE: is this a joke - Steve - 24 October 2015

Not a joke, although it was only raised as a possibility. Countries in dire economic straits need to stop the cash economy, to prop up the banks and so that they can raise taxes and confiscate your money at will ( called a bank bail-in and already done in Cyprus ).

The banks want to charge you for acting as the middle-man between your employer and your supermarket, the government wants to see exactly how much you earn / save / spend so that they can extract the optimum amount of tax from you. If, like me, you are on a PAYE scheme and pay all your taxes you might think that it won't affect you but you'd be wrong. We'll end up paying more for services and goods as the tax man takes his share, so the man who cleans your windows for £5 will be charging you £6, the farmer who pays a gang of Pakistanis cash to harvest his crops will have to add extra etc., etc.

Of course, it's right that these people should pay their taxes, perhaps we taxpayers might even get a reduction, but don't count on it, and always remember that the Tory way it to add purchase tax and reduce income tax. It's logical for them - a millionaire can survive on the same food as a pauper, but as prices go up only one of them will starve.

RE: is this a joke - NorthernRaider - 24 October 2015

A CASHLESS society means a society that has an electronic fingerprint that can be tracked, can see what you buy, where and when you spend it AND allows the government to take your money, block you moving money as you choose, and to hit you with levys like they did in Cyprus. It may have convenience on its side for sheeple downloading from I tunes, or paying for groceries but for most it would be a nightmare. EG millions of hard working people do not declare all their cash earnings to stop the tax man from taking even more to piss away of the welfare state or foreign aid, they keep a few cash in hand payments to keep their heads above water.

RE: is this a joke - bowdrill - 24 October 2015

Agree with nr on this id rather cash in my pocket thank you


RE: is this a joke - NorthernRaider - 24 October 2015

if ANY government of financial institute recommends a cashless society it can only mean it is for THEIR benefit in such things as targeting tax evasion, destroying the essential black economy, spying on what WE ( Bulk) buy, how often etc. They can control countries of even just major towns with a single switch. Riots and Civil unrest in London, "Click" no open shops, no running tubes, buses or taxis, no cell phones, no petrol stations, no diners or resteraunts , no drawing out cash for supplies, etc.


"Click" You life savings seized, the money you got for Christmas seized because THEY say it could be drug money, click your investments hit with a one off levy like Cyprus, Click the money you want to send to the US blocked, the donation to the strike fund blocked. You name it its generally bad for the citizen and prepper alike, it means they control everything.

RE: is this a joke - Straight Shooter - 24 October 2015

Its What i have been saying on here for ages , glad to see people waking up to it all............and No its no bloody JOKE ....try taking out 10k of your bank account (if your lucky enough to have it ) see how you get controls are here right NOW in the UK don,t take my word for it ....check it out.....bail in documents are all ready drawn up....nothing to do with prepping ? do me a favour ! and there is loads more stuff coming your way ...all of it ....not good.