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Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - NorthernRaider - 2 December 2015

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - NorthernRaider - 3 December 2015

Shooters were two Muslims, a married couple who travelled to Saudi Arabia to get married, the guy worked for the Social services dept and something occurred at a Christmas party he was attended to cause this peace loving, tolerant, inclusive Muslim dude to go home, get his wife, arm themselves to the teeth and do a Charlie Hebdo on the Christmas party.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - Midnitemo - 3 December 2015

by dint of his religion I'd find it strange he would attend a chrimbo party and why did his wife chip in?

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - NorthernRaider - 3 December 2015

Cos in the US to appease the Muslims and others they have a HOLIDAY party instead of a Crimbo party as usual in a failed effort to appease the permanently offended.

I note one sage in the US commenting how the local mosque was saying he was a tolerant, peaceful muslim, well if that's what tolerant muslims are like then god help us.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - Tibbs735 - 3 December 2015

No more days off. I now have an emergency bag in each family members car and a decent trauma kit in my car. I also carry two israeli type bandages with me whenever possible.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - Tartar Horde - 4 December 2015

Perhaps also with Californias strict gun control laws these unfortunate people would not have been such easy pickings if some of them had concealed carry permits? I imagine the same scenario might not have played out the same way in say Arizona or Texas or any of the other states that allow citizens to carry arms for the self defence of themselves and their countrymen.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - Carnebwen - 4 December 2015

I think he has planned to do something else then the disagreement at work made him just go kill the people there instead. Was probably going to do a Christmas market shoot up but got angry instead and shot the party up since there were 50 ish people there. An awful lot of planning to have the body armour,pipe bombs, guns and GOPRO camera chest rigs just to get even with a colleague.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - Tartar Horde - 4 December 2015

(4 December 2015, 14:23)Carnebwen Wrote: I think he has planned to do something else then the disagreement at work made him just go kill the people there instead. Was probably going to do a Christmas market shoot up but got angry instead and shot the party up since there were 50 ish people there. An awful lot of planning to have the body armour,pipe bombs, guns and GOPRO camera chest rigs just to get even with a colleague.

Yep, smells decidedly fishy!! doesn't it.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - NorthernRaider - 4 December 2015

Apparently his wife pledged allegiance to ISIL just before the shooting started according to the DM and BBC, Peaceful Islam my arse.

RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead - MaryN - 4 December 2015

Sorry chaps, but since when are pipebombs unplanned?? The ar**hole and his shitty wife planned it. Good riddance to them, may they rot in hell.