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Quick Quiz please - NorthernRaider - 8 December 2015

OK chaps here is a simple one linked to Jaces comments on the Thread called SURVIVORS.

At the top of the page I'm simply asking

IF A SOCIETAL COLLAPSE OCCURED Would YOU arm yourself as a precautionary measure.

By arm I mean EDC a big knife, Carry a bow or fire arm at all times.

RE: Quick Quiz please - MaryN - 8 December 2015

Bloody right I would!

RE: Quick Quiz please - Barneyboy - 8 December 2015

Hell yeah baby

RE: Quick Quiz please - Tartar Horde - 9 December 2015

Need you ask lol

RE: Quick Quiz please - CharlesHarris - 9 December 2015

Not only would I arm myself, but I would disperse my weapons and ammunition to arm several families in my immediate neighborhood and community. In my mis-spent youth I was trained as an infantry officer, later in intelligence and in civilian life as an engineer and emergency manager. I would use my knowledge, skills and abilities to improve the odds that my immediate community would survive and prosper. As I get older my may be less effective as a warrior, but can still be useful as a mentor. If I die or am killed, I would expect the surviving younger families to compost my remains in the garden and divide my stores of tools, weapons, ammunition, food and medical supplies to "bugger on."

Never Give Up!

I am armed all the time. Always carry a knife and a pistol. If going somewhere the pistol isn't welcome, the kn ife goes with a spring cosh and chemical protective spray. Not the "toy" ladies keychain variety, but the Foster's Beer can, police riot control model, which is entirely legal here. "Your Chipotle, not hot enough for ya, I can fix that!, Like a squirt, Love?"

Pump shotgun and a rifle are usually nearby at home or locked in the vehicle. Which is legal here.

I carry all the time, even when inside the house or working out in the garden.

Deputy sheriff doing a neighborhood canvass, investigating nearby a break-in, asked what I was afraid of.

"Not a damned thing, thank you very much!"

RE: Quick Quiz please - NorthernRaider - 9 December 2015

I'm starting to see a hint of a pattern here Smile

RE: Quick Quiz please - Jace - 9 December 2015

Forgot to say on the Survivors thread that when the remake came out a few years back, I clearly remember people commenting on blogs etc that they would "get tooled up like a Brixton drug dealer", not be running around the countryside unarmed and afraid of a nob with a shotgun as happens in the show.
In my own case, if I'm in my current location in urban China, then I'll be openly carrying a rather large kitchen knife that is quite sharp and also looks the business. If things are really nasty, I may need to stoop to carrying one of my ornamental swords. These are blunt as hell and cannot be sharpened, but again, look like the real thing, are heavy enough to break an arm if need be and should provide some deterrent against anyone wanting to cause me harm.

RE: Quick Quiz please - NorthernRaider - 9 December 2015

Rice Flails, Nunchucks, Batons, Kitchen cutlery, Molotovs, Acid in bottles all used by the Chinese in the past......... just sayin!!!!

RE: Quick Quiz please - Tartar Horde - 9 December 2015

Man who catch fly with Chopstick achieve anything.

RE: Quick Quiz please - NorthernRaider - 9 December 2015

You can get 3 years for playing with your fly with chopsticks in public Smile