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Rely on thestate eh?? - Printable Version

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Rely on thestate eh?? - NorthernRaider - 27 December 2015

Bet the poor buggers in York wish they had not put their blind faith in the state to protect them, The Flood barriers on the Foss which are meant to help prevent York from being flooded have had to be lifted allowing York to flood because the the electrically operated motors that raise and lower the floodgates are suffering from WATER INGRESS !!!!! FFS !!!

You have wonder about the intelligence of people who pump electrical sub stations in areas prone to flooding AND dont make them fully water proof, so todays thousands of homes in York that are supposed to be protected by the Foss barrier are now under water.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - Sunna - 27 December 2015

just a few miles up the a38 from me kempseys flood defences failed installed in 2012 and costing US £1.7 mill.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - bigpaul - 27 December 2015

plenty of people in those areas are without power because the sub stations got flooded.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - NorthernRaider - 27 December 2015

I see on the BBC news the people of the part of York in the most vulnerable areas report that even with 48 hours notice the council STILL did not manage to get any sand bags out to the home and business owners.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - NorthernRaider - 27 December 2015

More insanity from the state, In Tadcaster a huge sodding great mobile emergency water pump unit costing thousands hd to be abandoned because the flood water rose up around it and flooded it !!!

If I hear right in one area alone where in the last 15 years MILLIONS of pounds have been spent on modern state of the art flood defences MOST ( not all) have failed to stop the floods.

In York where they know all about regular flooding they built new homes on the wharf area near the old chocolate factory, these new home have flooded.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - NorthernRaider - 27 December 2015

York's marvelous multi million pound flood defences failed at the first big trial, built in the last 15 years after the big floods in 2000,

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - Steve - 27 December 2015

Some people have been warning about climate change for a long time, and some people haven't been listening.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - Sunna - 27 December 2015

agree , it might be time to start thinking about where you live , this is only going to get worse .

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - NorthernRaider - 27 December 2015

One thing you CAN be certain of is any assurances from the state that your home is protected from floods by modern flood defences is TOTAL BOLLOCKS.

And also all this waffle about floods being a once in a 1000/ 500/250/100 year event is now clearly also TOTAL BOLLOCKS

Now we could argue CAUSE til the cows come home ( if they have not drowned) BUT that is utterly pointless and beyond OUR control. What we have to do as sensible responsible preppers is do a survey of the likely future risks that could DIRECTLY affect us and respond as best we can. YES some can move home but many cannot, but few can say honestly that there is nothing they can do. Even if its only making covers for air bricks, water proof barriers for their doors, one way flap valves in the toilet and sink wastes, increasing and thickening the height of the garden wall, moving fuse boxes to higher positions, water proofing the electricity and gas meter boxes, storing valuables in plastic tubs and water proof bags etc. We can all do SOMETHING.

One of the farmers up here screwed up today because as we were coming home we spotted four hoofs sticking up out of the flooded beck bobbing along like a sick cartoon could have been a pony or goat didnt stop tofind out.

RE: Rely on thestate eh?? - Steve - 27 December 2015

You're right NR, discussing the cause isn't going to help the flooded people.

I probably mentioned that I'm a boatbuilder, we use loads of these inspection hatches - they are easy to fit and remove without tools, watertight, strong and cheap. Ideal to fit over airbricks or as an emergency drain if you need to let water through your property.

Let's try to post some ideas to help the flood victims.