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Red Flag - MaryN - 25 February 2016

I have just been reading a report from the Norwegian Government that they are preparing legislation to enable them to abandon International Law in the event of a migrant-induced breakdown of Swedish society. As far as I am concerned this is the red flag for real problems coming down the road. Let me explain.

Norway is one of my favourite countries. I know it very well, and have long admired the people. They are democratic, law-abiding, steady, calm and stoic. This action by their Government is so far out of character that I can barely begin to absorb it. It is one of the wealthiest countries and quite able to deal with a few immigrants, but they evidently feel so under threat - and probably with very good reason - that they are prepared to give International Law the finger. I am sure that some of the Forum members who are ex-military have possibly done their cold-weather training in Norway - OH used to fly choppers up there and kis a great admirer of the country.

I know it doesn't rank highly as a big country, like Germany (God help the Germans at the moment), but the importance of this action is immeasurable. I think the EU is on the verge of collapse.

RE: Red Flag - CharlesHarris - 25 February 2016

Speisa is at best a "gray" source of vague origin. You need to consider who leaked this story and for what purpose?

What is their agenda?

This is an propaganda without any original source attribution that than be verified, the author is unnamed and there is no original source which can be authenticated.

All the tinfoil hat blogs and wierd news outlets are now repeating the story, but WHO and WHERE is the ORIGINAL source and what is the author's name?

Wreaks of Soviet style disinformation to me...

RE: Red Flag - MaryN - 26 February 2016

Actually, I had no idea what Speisa was until you mentioned it. I was alerted to Erna Solberg's interview by a friend in Oslo. It was printed in a Danish Newspaper.... see link here (speak Danish do you?). I don't think the Norwegians would appreciate their PM being accused of Soviet-style misinformation.

As I do not know what Speisa is I have no idea of their agenda. However, I understand that the interviewer for the newspaper was named Tinne Knudsen. What else, oh yes she is Scandinavian and probably blue-eyed - but that's just a guess.

RE: Red Flag - NorthernRaider - 26 February 2016

I tell you what got my attention was the BBC Daily politics show today when it turned out that 'conspiracists' who claimed that far more migrants were pouring into the UK than the government said was coming was true, the BBC confirmed that the govt tried to cover up a FOI request that revealed that twice the number of new NI numbers were issued than the number of migrants the govt would admit to. AND the guy in the govt data office told the researchers that the agency refused to release those details of the ACTUAL number of NI numbers issued until AFTER Cameron finished his EU renegotiation.

RE: Red Flag - Devonian - 26 February 2016

(26 February 2016, 16:18)NorthernRaider Wrote: I tell you what got my attention was the BBC Daily politics show today when it turned out that 'conspiracists' who claimed that far more migrants were pouring into the UK than the government said was coming was true, the BBC confirmed that the govt tried to cover up a FOI request that revealed that twice the number of new NI numbers were issued than the number of migrants the govt would admit to. AND the guy in the govt data office told the researchers that the agency refused to release those details of the ACTUAL number of NI numbers issued until AFTER Cameron finished his EU renegotiation.

Yes apparently the is HUGE disparity between the 'official' number of immigrants entering the UK and the 'official' number of people that have entered the UK and applied to work....... guess which one is several multiples of the other!! Talk about massaging the figures.

RE: Red Flag - Straight Shooter - 26 February 2016

I think the EU is on the verge of do I Mary , there is lots of talk now.... about others within the euro wanting to leave and starting to ask for referendums , like here in the UK ...if we vote OUT ( and i hope we do ) this will have a momentum of its own total collapse of the euro and would take place...remember Ireland ! they voted OUT ....then held another vote ...till they had IN ....WHY the rush for a June vote ?....we will be in a World war by then is more than likely it matters not ...all it does is give Dave the excuse to put the blame on Russia for for all the coming shit and the reasons why the global banking system went down and how lucky we are to be Still in the euro market place.....just my view.

RE: Red Flag - bigpaul - 27 February 2016

one of the EU commissioners said they have got 10 DAYS to sort out the immigration problem or else the Shengen agreement will collapse.

RE: Red Flag - Straight Shooter - 27 February 2016

Its already to late...100 Days to late ! we have not got enough (part time ) jobs as it is...let alone social services along with the NHS in melt makes NO sense to me at why would it make sense to a politician ? unless you were totally brain dead ....bloody hell ! could it actually be true ? the people running the show are TOTAL IDIOTS.....

RE: Red Flag - bigpaul - 27 February 2016

(27 February 2016, 10:48)Straight Shooter Wrote: why would it make sense to a politician ? unless you were totally brain dead ....bloody hell ! could it actually be true ? the people running the show are TOTAL IDIOTS.....

you only just realised that SS?? no politician has a single idea how the ordinary citizen lives and how the EU affects our lives, and whats more they don't care. but that's politics for you, its a career choice, at one time we had "statesmen" but no more.

RE: Red Flag - Steve - 27 February 2016

Politicians come in all flavours. Some are ex-forces, some are smart working class people who are trying to improve lives, some were born with silver spoons, Thatcher was a grocers daughter. They have all met the whole spectrum of UK populace and are very aware of the problems we face.

They have different ideas of how best to improve society, but they all have the same problem when they get into power - the system is a wreck and whoever admits that it can't continue will be voted out of power.