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Stats On Effectiveness of Gun Control - Printable Version

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Stats On Effectiveness of Gun Control - CharlesHarris - 5 March 2018

Gun control is designed to stop people from killing each other, at least that’s what we are always told...

Let’s take a look at the data:

United Kingdom:
The UK enacted its handgun ban in 1996. From 1990 until the ban was enacted, the homicide rate fluctuated between 10.9 and 13 homicides per million. After the ban was enacted, homicides trended up until they reached a peak of 18.0 in 2003. Since 2003, which incidentally was about the time the British government flooded the country with 20,000 more cops, the homicide rate has fallen to 11.1 in 2010. In other words, the 15-year experiment in a handgun ban has achieved absolutely nothing.

Ireland: Ireland banned firearms in 1972. Ireland’s homicide rate was fairly static going all the way back to 1945. In that period, it fluctuated between 0.1 and 0.6 per 100,000 people. Immediately after the ban, the murder rate shot up to 1.6 per 100,000 people in 1975. It then dropped back down to 0.4. It has trended up, reaching 1.4 in 2007.

Australia: Australia enacted its gun ban in 1996. Murders have basically run flat, seeing only a small spike after the ban and then returning almost immediately to preban numbers. It is currently trending down, but is within the fluctuations exhibited in other nations...

So now the Russian government has made it clear that their real objective is to remove rifles from civilian hands. Their reasoning is clear: you need rifles to overthrow a government...

US gun owners have noted recent attempts to revive the Assault Weapons Ban with interest and would remind Congress of the result which followed the last time gun confiscation was attempted here...

Administrative and Regulatory Law News (American Bar Association). Vol. 37, no. 4, Summer 2012. Kopel on the right to arms in the Founding Era.

RE: Stats On Effectiveness of Gun Control - Greg - 6 March 2018

I am an ex-Pat from the States. I've lived here in Ireland 20+ years. All my grandparents were from Mississippi, Alabama or Florida as were their parents', parent's ( It was rumoured once someone came from Georgia and while the thought is intriguing I'can neither confirm or deny this) Owning guns is a way of life over there. We all learn from an early age about the responsibility of handling firearms. Everyone hunts and looks forward to hunting season every year. Hunting camp is where we have the most fun. Out of all my family and hundreds of cousins I have never heard of anyone needing to use a gun for protection or having ever been threatened or robbed. It actually just doesn't happen very often and never has to any of us. There was once an accident when my father was trying to discharge a live round from a 32 Beretta Semi-auto but due to proper procedure no one was hurt. I was also in the USCG (Boatswainmate) and never had to use a firearm in the line of duty and never witnessed an accident.
Here are Four Very Good Rules:
1. Never ever hand a loaded firearm to anyone no matter how silly it may seem. Even if you think it is not loaded you must check first. If there is a clip it should be removed before checking the chamber and handed over or stored obviously.
2. When a firearm is handed to you always check to see there is nothing in the chamber. ALWAYS - no matter if you just saw them empty the chamber.
3. ALWAYS keep the safety on until ready to fire. That one is a little bit loose because you will surely spook your prey if you ain't careful.
4. This should have been number one. NEVER EVER POINT A GUN AT ANYONE. Accidents happen that way. You have to be ever aware of where that barrel is pointed.
Sorry, I digress.
What I am trying to say is that, in my own experience, guns are perfectly safe to own and use. I believe the problem in America is systemic in nature. In fact, I believe the problem is systemic everywhere. I have heard the mentally unstable are being targeted and brainwashed by someone or some entity with an agenda. Why did the FBI ignore the reports on that kid in Florida just recently? Who knows?
One thing is for sure I am watching the standard and quality of life in the West deteriorate. Health care gets worse every year. Privatisation of public services is the new business model for the wealthy to become more wealthy. Not for a long time has the need to become self sufficient been so important.

And finally, on a different note, I am willing to trade my Olive Farm for a Wharram or steel hulled sailboat.