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Random pedal question - Printable Version

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Random pedal question - Mortblanc - 29 October 2018

Stupid question from a yank.

You are aware that we drive on the "wrong side" over here and also have our steering wheels located on the opposite side as you fellows, other than for our postal service vehicles, they get right hand drive so they can reach the roadside post-box of the American home.

Anyhow my question is, are your pedals reversed? Over here accelerator is on the right, brake middle, and clutch left.

RE: Random pedal question - Straight Shooter - 30 October 2018

Have you been sniffing that tipex again mb ? Ok I will bite ......the same here

RE: Random pedal question - Mortblanc - 31 October 2018

I just wondered..

How about the ignition key? Is it on the right or left side of the steering column?

A fellow needs to know these things in case he ever has to steel a British car! You don't need to be fumbling around trying to find stupid things like the ignition switch or accelerator pedal.

RE: Random pedal question - Straight Shooter - 31 October 2018

Bugger ! Now it gets complicated mainly on the right but can be centre some voice activated .and some had a push button on the floor like my first mini !.....steal a push bike mb.

RE: Random pedal question - Mortblanc - 1 November 2018

I was planning on arriving on the site with a push bike and leaving by car!

RE: Random pedal question - bigpaul - 1 November 2018

ignition is on the right.
what site would that be MB??

RE: Random pedal question - Mortblanc - 2 November 2018

That would be the unspecified site when and where emergency need over rides other considerations.

I once "borrowed" a JCB for 15 minutes to un-stick my Ford pickup from a corn field. I did not realize I knew how to drive one of those until that very minute!

That was 40 years ago so the statute of limitations has run out on digger theft. I have often wondered if the diggers realized the JCB was backwards Monday from how they left it Friday.