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Covid uptick . - Straight Shooter - 15 October 2021

Covid 19 picking up pace in my part of the woods ! .....increases since the kids returned to school shit Sherlock ! granddaughter was first six days ago her mother and father positive their son is negative at the moment but won’t be long before he catches up I have no doubts’s very busy around here I’m hearing from the locals via the phone , so maybe it’s back to home deliveries / collection for a while and house arrest ! There again it comes as no real surprise and probably will get worse who knows ? , so what’s the crack where you live ?

RE: Covid uptick . - MaryN - 15 October 2021

Well it was obvious that Covid infections would increase when the children went back to school. It is hardly rocket science to work that one out, but perhaps the Govt scientists have a problem with simple equations!

Nothing dramatic here, but folk are bored to death with it and i suspect many are not bothering to report infections if they are mild. We shall see what happens over winter.

RE: Covid uptick . - Pete Grey - 15 October 2021

In our neck of the woods cases have risen 20% over the last week but are still under the national average.

All the people in our circle are double jabbed, some of us have had the booster the others won’t be far off.

As for shopping we either shop very early or very late, we find these times quiet and nearly all customers wear masks. We do still use click and collect for some purchases.

We will not isolate again, but we don’t intend to take any unnecessary risks.

RE: Covid uptick . - bigpaul - 16 October 2021

it is reported that in Devon 1 in 60 people have Covid, that would mean 30 people here have it but I havent seen any evidence of that although one of the females at the post office is supposed to have it.
I am not jabbed and never will be, I am a recluse, wife is double jabbed because she spends more time away from the house doing research for her books.
supermarket shopping is done once every 4 weeks, mid week, early, we still wear masks in all public indoor spaces and will do for the rest of the year at least.

RE: Covid uptick . - Joe - 16 October 2021

In my area they are probably on to their second or third infection, no one cares or does anything to avoid it lol. The plus point is we peaked early and are now on the way down. I just avoid anywhere with more than a few people so no shops or pubs for me just now.
My very big and worrying concern is how people are almost being forced to be vaccinated, we have the passport nonsense and looking at other countries it could get worse, parts of Germany now ban non vaccinated from shops.

RE: Covid uptick . - bigpaul - 16 October 2021

most people in the UK seem to be acting like Covid is all over, just wait until the winter viruses love the winter.
I dont think vaccination will ever be mandatory in the UK we still have personal choice.
I wouldnt worry about Germany, Germans are used to being told what to do, its in their DNA.

RE: Covid uptick . - Joe - 16 October 2021

BP have a look at the US, it’s like communist China at the moment. They already have a form of mandate already for health workers and it’s working it’s way down.
It doesn’t matter if you’re For or Against, what matters is the control and coercion being imposed. I recently emailed my MSP and they can’t even tell me if the Vaccine Passport contravenes the Equality Act and this idiot voted it through.

RE: Covid uptick . - bigpaul - 16 October 2021

the USA is behaving like a one party state, so yes its a form of communism.
Nicola Sturgeon is so consumed with hate for us English she'll do anything to stop us entering Scotland, not that I've ever had the desire to go there.

RE: Covid uptick . - Mortblanc - 16 October 2021

Much of this hype is a matter of perception also. And people are reacting insanely to ideas that have been considered general public health processes for the past 100 years.

In general it is a knee jerk rebellion to being told what to do, from wearing a mask to getting the vaccine. We don't want our government, or anyone's government telling us what to do.

My own attitude is "What is the big deal with getting a vaccine or making it mandatory?"

Back in around 1963-64 I remember going to a mass vaccination center at a local public school and getting a sugar cube with the Sabine Polio vaccine applied to it. They processed thousands of people through that center in one day and in two weeks the whole town was immunized, by law.

When I started school, back in the dark ages of the 1950s, and when my own children started school, we had to present a "shot record" to prove we, and they had been immunized for a host of diseases. Measles, typhoid, polio, rubella, diphtheria...the list went on and on. There is still a mandate for admission to university requiring an immunization record for measles and meningitis and almost everyone there is 18 or over.

In the past decade the goal of immunizing every child of 12 for the HPV virus has been widely recommended in order to bring cervical cancer under control through prevention rather than reaction.

As a teacher I was required to have a TB screening annually as were all food service workers and most people working in public. The community considered it part of a common sense approach to public health.

This was not voluntary, it was the law!

I now carry a vaccination card in my wallet, just like I had to present a TB screening to my boss for 50 years.

The only time I have been asked to present that card has been due to several hospital visits in the past few weeks, and the hospital staff took a very thankful attitude when proof of immunization for COVID was presented.

I suppose I have a different attitude about immunization as compared to taking ones chances. I was shown the train depot where coffins were stacked three tall in two rows that spanned 100 yards during the Spanish flu epidemic, by my grandfather who lived through it. Bodies waiting for shipping to burial. I also knew dozens of people crippled by polio which was still a threat during my childhood. People with withered limbs clattering about with braces and crutches allowing them to stand and move artificially.

As a historian I have done grave surveys in the cemeteries of my area, counting how old the persons in those graves were when they died, and I have been shocked at the short life spans right up to the mid-1900s.

I know the arguments, does it work? Does it do more harm than good? What are the long term affects?

I am not a gambler, never have been, but I can study the odds. Millions of people in GB play the lottery anticipating billions in payback for much worse odds than presented by COVID vaccine.

Has it been properly tested? Come on people! That is like a starving man refusing to eat a tin of beans because they are past the sell by date! Until the present day the cry I have constantly heard is that good meds are with held so they can be "over tested" to insure their absolute safety. There are people dying of chronic diseases right now while effective meds are in the "test phase" waiting for approval.

If a vaccine is 30%-60% effective, that is a 30%-60% chance of survival I now have that before I was vaccinated I did not have.

If it only weakens the disease that is a chance for survival I did not have before being vaccinated. I am in the high risk group and my survival chances once infected were about zero in 2019.

Does it alter my genes? Why should I care? I'm 72, I am not going to pass a gene defect to my next child! My youngest just turned 43 this week! Even my kids are too old to have kids!

If the long term results end in death ten years down the road how will anyone know? I'll be 82! That is 10 years I would not have had if I had died of COVID in 2021.

Will it make me a mindless zombie? What damage can a 72 year old zombie do anyway? And as for the general population being mindless zombies,,, have you looked around yourself lately? How would you know the difference?

RE: Covid uptick . - harryhotspur - 16 October 2021

(16 October 2021, 13:10)bigpaul Wrote: most people in the UK seem to be acting like Covid is all over, just wait until the winter viruses love the winter.
I dont think vaccination will ever be mandatory in the UK we still have personal choice.
I wouldnt worry about Germany, Germans are used to being told what to do, its in their DNA.
I think most people in the UK are double jabbed, they have extra protection against this virus that mostly kills older and the unvaccinated, if anyone can start to act like it's over then those people who have had both doses can.