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Power prices ! - Printable Version

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Power prices ! - Straight Shooter - 9 November 2021

We have been shopping around for electricity prices , our current providers contract is up end of this month .....the best price we have is off the same supplier...80 % increase ! Yes 80 % more ! .....just one utility ! Two others were over 100% more .....just waiting on the council rates and water rates to hit us .....along with Everything else .....just to live and survive ! Although we are reasonably ok ....we will have to revisit of finances and see what action may be required and react accordingly If
needed , the good news is we have zero debt we are better off than most , you had any utility bills yet ? .

RE: Power prices ! - Mortblanc - 9 November 2021

30% increase in my water/sewer rates this month.

That is one that can not be cut down through conservation or controlled use since I use less than the minimum allowed already. I am now paying 30% more for water I do not use.

I am waiting to see if the electric increases. Not much I can do to trim that use either, except sit in the dark. Average use is one led light bulb, the computer and the fridge and freezer and the LED and computer are off for 10 hours every 24.

RE: Power prices ! - Straight Shooter - 9 November 2021

My apologies’s 62.5% not 80% ....brain fart !

RE: Power prices ! - LAC - 9 November 2021

Yes, electric has increased by £130 a year in the last six months, it's eye watering. ****ing wind farms are ****

RE: Power prices ! - Pete Grey - 9 November 2021

We are tied into a two year contract for our electricity and gas and are currently paying £95 a month, though I expect a 25-30% rise when the contract ends in eighteen months, we were lucky to arrange this before prices went silly.

Our water supply is metered, consequently so is the sewage (what goes in = what comes out), we pay around £60 a quarter for water supply, and sewage and rain water disposal.

As you can see when you visit the supermarket prices generally have already increased 20-30% and no doubt will continue to rise.

If there is anything you want or need buy it now, things won’t get any cheaper.

RE: Power prices ! - bigpaul - 10 November 2021

no mains gas out here in the shires.
our electricity is on a contract, the winter quarter bill is usually quite large for obvious reasons, we can afford it so no reason to be cold.
water and sewage is metered.
am paying about the same each time we go to the supermarket, it varies as we arent always buying the same stuff so not easy to check like for like.

RE: Power prices ! - Mortblanc - 10 November 2021

It is easier to gauge the price increases if you select a few items that are "weekly staples" for the average family and keep track of those prices even if you don't buy those products. Items that the average family will consider "essential" for daily life.

Minced beef
Whole or pieced chicken
frozen or canned veg
Beer (yes beer is a necessity for a vast majority of the population)

Even if your life calls for none of these items they are still a gauge of the inflation that others are enduring. Just because inflation is not affecting YOU does not mean it is not putting the crunch on those that will make up your "Golden Horde".

I have watched the prices of all those items rise by 25% in the past 6 months. More than 30% in some cases. Coffee has gone up 30%, bread 30% and you can not find uncooked chicken anywhere in our town. When it returns I am sure it will be expensive.

We have a holiday called "Thanksgiving" over here that you folks do not celebrate. It's like a Christmas two-fer without presents and involves turkeys. I paid $1 per pound for my bird last year. Yesterday I paid $1.60 per pound.

Even if you believe the modern family now lives on precooked meals and take out there will be some items that are still considered necessary to prepare a meal for those that do put one together. The price of those pre-cooked meals will go up based on the price of the contents.

RE: Power prices ! - Joe - 10 November 2021

I will have to look closely at this because I’m already paying £200 per month and wouldn’t want to double this. I could probably reduce overall consumption by switching the system off at night but for the last 20 years we just run the hot water 24/7 and turn the thermostat down a bit at bed time. Another option I have is to fit an electric element in the storage tank and power it directly from solar as I have about 2kw of panels sitting in the shed for emergencies. I don’t even need to regulate this if it’s only connected to a heating element.
The power markets should stabilise in time once the carrot munchers find out Green energy is expensive.

RE: Power prices ! - bigpaul - 11 November 2021

(10 November 2021, 22:15)Mortblanc Wrote: It is easier to gauge the price increases if you select a few items that are "weekly staples" for the average family and keep track of those prices even if you don't buy those products. Items that the average family will consider "essential" for daily life.

Minced beef
Whole or pieced chicken
frozen or canned veg
Beer (yes beer is a necessity for a vast majority of the population)

Even if your life calls for none of these items they are still a gauge of the inflation that others are enduring. Just because inflation is not affecting YOU does not mean it is not putting the crunch on those that will make up your "Golden Horde".

I have watched the prices of all those items rise by 25% in the past 6 months. More than 30% in some cases. Coffee has gone up 30%, bread 30% and you can not find uncooked chicken anywhere in our town. When it returns I am sure it will be expensive.

We have a holiday called "Thanksgiving" over here that you folks do not celebrate. It's like a Christmas two-fer without presents and involves turkeys. I paid $1 per pound for my bird last year. Yesterday I paid $1.60 per pound.

Even if you believe the modern family now lives on precooked meals and take out there will be some items that are still considered necessary to prepare a meal for those that do put one together. The price of those pre-cooked meals will go up based on the price of the contents.
I havent seen much rise in prices on the items you mention.
Milk we buy UHT milk and thats actually been reduced in price.
Bread that still the same price it was before the pandemic.
Meat we buy direct from the farm, good prices and good quality too.
Eggs we buy from road side stalls here and never pay more than £1 for 6.

RE: Power prices ! - Pete Grey - 16 December 2021

With the financial institutions expecting inflation to run at 5.5% I (and probably all you out there) expect prices in the shops to increase by at least 25%. Sad