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Conspiracys , new world order. - Printable Version

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Conspiracys , new world order. - Sunna - 27 February 2024

The farmers protests are just getting going in the UK, been going a while in Europe, along with 15 minute city's, electric cars, fuel prices going through the roof.
Lots of people blame those folks at Davos or shady organisations hell bent on taking over our lives .

Their are 70 billion farm animals worldwide pumping our methane ,plus the water and food to rase them.
Their are 33.5 million vehicles in Britain and 1.4 billion worldwide
2.700 coal fired power
stations worldwide

These are facts not Conspiracy theory's .
How do we as preppers and human beings who want to leave a future for out great grandchildren plan a future.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - Allex - 27 February 2024

Our only hope is the Second Coming! I.e. A global war and the big reset. Not meaning to be flippant here.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - bigpaul - 27 February 2024

blame the Chinese. they are pumping out more Co2 than any other country on this planet.
until they stop nothing will change.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - Skean Dhude - 27 February 2024

(27 February 2024, 12:32)bigpaul Wrote: blame the Chinese. they are pumping out more Co2 than any other country on this planet.
until they stop nothing will change.
*sigh*. You've caught up on the vaccines. Now the Climate Change Scam.

There is not Climate Change Issue it is a Marxist ploy to control you and make you one of the sheep.

We will have you wearing an aluminium hat soon. Tin Foil is so 70s and foil has been aluminium for quite some time.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - bigpaul - 27 February 2024

oh Climate change is happening alright but not to the extent TPTB want us all to believe.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - Skean Dhude - 27 February 2024

You are correct. The Climate changes all the time and anyone of a decent age can actually see it happening in real time. It is MAN MADE Climate Change all the fuss is about and that is what they are using to control us.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - bigpaul - 27 February 2024

climate change is not man made but mankind's actions since the industrial revolution are adding to it
net zero is just stupid when UK only emits 1% of global co2.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - Sunna - 27 February 2024

1% of global co2 , I'm happy to believe that ....why were a tiny country that don't make anything anymore.
Go back 100 years and bingo full on industrial revolution we were probably no 1 emitter then , now all we do is buy it use it for a short time and buy again .

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - bigpaul - 27 February 2024

its called the consumer society, consume it and buy more of it.

RE: Conspiracys , new world order. - Petertherabbit - 28 February 2024

We won't be able to scale back emissions, by making changes alone in the west and it is unrealistic, to expect the the developing and third world, to hold back their development, to benefit us all.
They've seen the wealth and comfort that technological development has given the west and they want their share of the goodies.
Considering there are huge populations still suffering malnutrition and disease, largely caused by poverty and poor development, they won't worry how much, coal, oil or plastic trash it takes, to lift them out of poverty.
By the time they've seen the light, the game will be over. The world will be a giant plastic trash dump and we will be coping as best we can.
15 minute cities, ev's and wind farms in Europe won't make happenth of difference.

By the time the population hit 9-10 billion, we may have reached a point where we understand the constant, never ending production of goods and therefore waste, is not sustainable.

I believe the first law of thermodynamics says energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. So in essence we aren't gaining or losing anything by constant growth, only transferring it from resources in the ground etc to waste products put back into the ground.

Hopefully, we can keep the west and western Europe a still reasonable habitable space, certainly my experience of other countries and south East Asia is, they have little to no regard for the natural beauty of their environment. It's common in South East Asia, to see rivers completely choked full of rubbish and litter everywhere.