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Solar Systems
23 October 2017, 09:38,
RE: Solar Systems
Four year update - all good! Solar panels, controllers & batteries doing well, very reliable and I'm sure has already paid for itself so very pleased.

Only real issue I've found is in the LVD for the immersion where, in certain conditions, the voltage bounces from high to low very quickly causing rapid on/off switching at the relay plus, if the voltage happened to drop below about 22.5v with the bouncing, the board lost it's program setting entirely which meant repeated resetting of parameters. This was an annoyance. Got in touch with the LVD supplier and had them take out the delay (about 10 secs) that was programmed in. This helped enormously but still didn't resolve to my satisfaction. So now I've developed my own board and program which is nearly ready to test. Used an Arduino Uno board and had to refresh my memory for C++ programming lol!

Anyway, no regrets at all and I'm more than happy with the set up. Batteries do start to act tired after a while but so long as you don't overwork them and make sure you equalise every now and then, they just truck on. Again, DOD is VERY important if you want your batteries to last.

Did try an MPPT controller (really come down in price now!) which improved actual power charging but resorted to my original expensive PWM controller as it had automatic equalisation at the end of every month and was more programmable.
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
24 October 2017, 09:32,
RE: Solar Systems
Thanks for the update Nix, i have played about with a solar set up ....test rig if you like.....had a price for the new place £ 6.100 full installation BUT been told of a new battery that's due to come out....i would prefer a stand alone system sitting tight until this new tech is available heard anything Nix ?
24 October 2017, 15:05,
RE: Solar Systems
Hi, SS, new stuff coming out all the time but was thinking myself of experimenting with Li-ion or even a large capacitor. As these batteries have done so well, I'm happy to trundle on. With car hybrid technology having to advance at a rapid pace, there are bound to be breakthroughs but only downside will be the "new technology" price!

Sounds like you're gearing up for a grid tie system? Bear in mind that in a power failure situation, there's no back up unless you factor one in...
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
24 October 2017, 20:27,
RE: Solar Systems
Yes the price was for ( a grid system ) Nix ......but its not about making money back so much as being FREE of it ....i did discuss one system to do both ....but ....with my prepper hat on , just did not fit the overall plan most prepper types i would want to adopt and understand the system i up to it ? ....short answer is NO ...but i will learn the rudiments to get by even if the system is a simple one .
3 October 2018, 09:38,
RE: Solar Systems
Five year update, wow, can't believe it's been 5 years!

Everything still good, my own timer boards have been a real godsend, done the trick beautifully, now rarely have any bouncing issues at all. Matter of fact, I've programmed in a "sunny summer day" setting and a "all other times" setting on a simple switch. Solar panels, inverter & controllers no problems at all. Batteries feeling more tired these days but still rock and rolling with gusto.

This summer's been a good 'un and so we're doing extremely well regarding energy bills which I see keep going up and up.

Been playing with capacitors recently with some interesting results but that's another story lol!

Apologies re missing images but my internet provider decided they weren 't going to provide webspace any more, hey ho.

SS - if you have 6k to spend, you can build one helluva system!
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
3 October 2018, 14:40,
RE: Solar Systems
I still intend to get a solar set up (full system) ...........since our last chat a few things have gone on around the ground that needs sorting FIRST ....tenders are due right NOW ! so i will know how big a mountain i will have to climb ....soon as i know i will pm you , glad to hear your system is working well....again thanks for the update NIX .

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