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  Board changed for 2023 - Final Move
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 16 November 2023, 17:54 - Forum: Board News - No Replies

Well it has taken some time but I have now migrated Survival UK from GoDaddy to iPage. The site is now migrated and free from GoDaddy

To be honest it wasn't top priority because at work I had been moved internally to look after CyberRecovery and that took a lot of time and as my GoDaddy account doesn't expire until Jan 2024 it wasn't urgent so I put it to one side. I've been off for the last week so decided to bite the bullet and migrate the sites so I don't have to renew.

The forum migration was a major problem. It all boiled down to getting the data from GoDaddy. On hosting services you don't have the same access as you would on a home server and the control panel they supply wouldn't allow me to download the posts as there were so many of them. This was the issue that stopped me last time. Their help desk was filled with good people but like all companies the processes they work under means they are pretty much useless for cases like mine. I could download 30% of the Table before it stopped. They could download 100% but were not allowed to let me have that file for, err..., reasons. They helpfully gave me the same instructions as before which was of no help.

As it is getting near the end of the contract I needed to migrate the data and so couldn't just let it go this time and I spent a bit of time on it. It was easy enough in the end as I just extracted 25% of the posts table at a time till I had all of it. Job done.

Then I had to point everyone to the new ISP and that was done last night where I hit another minor issue that I didn't detect until later today. Different SQL servers between the two and the new ISP was unable to load. Changed the pointers in the config and it worked fine.

Anyway, the forum has been migrated now so it should be all up and running. Let me know if you have any issues

I've also posted a note on the main site about what is going on with the sites in general but the forum is here for as long as you want to use it. I'll comment every now and again and I'll continue adding to the Files Area for downloading but I won't be posting anything new on the Main site.

I'm still contactable if you want me for anything.

Good luck to you all.

Skean Dhude

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  I'm Back
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 26 May 2023, 14:20 - Forum: Board News - No Replies

Been gone for some time working on a new project which limited my time on here. I've got a bit more time now but I don't see me adding anything new besides new files to the storage area.

The country is still crap run by a bunch of socialist totalitarian wankers and until the bulk of the sheep wake up that won't change. Although there does seem to be more and more waking up but not enough atm. Like everything else though it will be much too late so keep a list so we won't forget.

I'm going to analyse the sites and will end up moving them around. The SUK systems are on GoDaddy and they have informed me that they no longer support the email system I have been using for decades so I've had to migrate my email and must migrate the sites from GoDaddy during H2.

So plans are to consolidate the sites;
- Remove items like Contact DB which is not used any longer.
- Remove any sites not used
Upgrade the remaining sites to the latest versions.
Move the sites to a new ISP

I'll be gathering data between now and July, making a call on the way forward and implementing changes starting in July.

I'll keep everyone involved in what is going on so it will minimise disruption for you.

Expect to see an update here late June/Early July. If you have any questions or comments then feel free to PM me.

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  Moving Forum to a new Host
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 24 September 2022, 13:44 - Forum: Board News - Replies (8)

I've had a look at the sites and they are just getting hammered by Guests. Clearly many are looking at what is going on and stating to prepare. Welcome to all.

After looking at the stats as well as the main site being trawled for data I also have the files on the files site being downloaded. I'm glad I don't pay for bandwidth. This however slows the sites for everyone dynamic. File downloads just get slower but don't timeout, web users time out.

I'm not happy with GoDaddy but they have been OK for normal use. As i still have some time till the end of the contract I'm going to move the forum on its own to a replacemnet provider I use and split the load between the providers until I can sort out where I need to move the lot to. I host other sites on the replacement provider already but the traffic is insignificant compared the the file traffic on SUK.

As I have to change the DNS records as well as moving the site some posts may be lost and the site might vanish completely for a day or two. Hopefully not though.

I'll change the DNS records this evening and see how it goes.

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  Site was hacked and is now restored
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 22 September 2022, 11:39 - Forum: Board News - Replies (7)

Apologies to all. The site was hacked yesterday and the source files were compromised.

I've rebuilt the site and restored the files from Backups. It doesn't appear that any posts were lost but if you posted anything recently it may be worth checking.

Took me a while to diagnose the problem as the hosting provider, GoDaddy, was useless. They took 40 minutes to answer for every phone call I had to make to them and they refused to run any diagnostics at all. They just blamed the software. It meant it took me a while to work out what the problem was.

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Posted by: Barneyboy - 11 May 2016, 21:47 - Forum: Board News - Replies (2)

Hello ,does anyone know where big Paul is ,he's not been on the site since 22 April?

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  User name COMERICA Banned
Posted by: Lightspeed - 10 May 2016, 07:27 - Forum: Board News - Replies (4)

Some strange spam suddenly appeared on the forum this morning, all from a user COMERICA.

All those posts have been deleted and I've banned the user for spamming.

Frankly I only scan read your contributions but could se absolutely zero relevance to what we discuss here.

Thank you COMERICA for your hilarious contributions.


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  Forum Articles
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 3 January 2016, 14:38 - Forum: Board News - No Replies

As you all know I am looking at moving posts that are put on the forum to the main site.

The reasons why are so that the main site is the better place for the articles as they can be indexed. The forum was always intended to be for discussion on the articles on the main site or subjects outside the scope of the main site.

To this end I am going to be duplicating articles posted in the forum since it started on the main site so we have a record of them with links back to the forum for discussion. I've updated the T&Cs for posting in the forum to reflect this.

With immediate effect I will repost articles on the main site that I think should be there and remove them from the forum and I'm going to return to visiting every day and police the forum for articles not relevant to prepping. Although with the way that many are written to just touch on prepping issues I don't want to spend to much time on that.

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  Forum Updated
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 10 December 2015, 18:07 - Forum: Board News - Replies (10)

Hi, I've just updated the forum to the latest version. Removed all the Anti Spammer stuff which stopped people registering and set some new setting up to stop spammers.

Let me know if you hit any issues.

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  Forum Downtime
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 12 March 2015, 16:15 - Forum: Board News - No Replies

I will be upgrading this site on Sunday the 15th March at 2000.

It should be unavailable for approximately an hour.

I will post an update when it is complete and the system comes back online.

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  Site Update
Posted by: Skean Dhude - 8 March 2015, 20:34 - Forum: Board News - Replies (1)

Tried to repair the user registration page on the forum and lost the entire site for a while. Sorry if you tried it earlier and it was down. Shouldn't have happened and not even sure why it happened. It has been restored to backup and I'm now looking at what went wrong and I'll try again over the next few days.

The file site is now back up and ready for use.

I'm also looking at the main site. I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and get my own server just for the main site. Will decide this week as I'm taking a weeks leave in a few weeks, have to finish the last of last years leave allowance or lose it, and I'm planning to get a few things sorted for then. Including some down time as well.

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