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Planet lockdown
27 March 2020, 13:58,
Planet lockdown
With most all countries closing their boarders imports / exports slowing to a trickle, workforce’s unable or unwilling to work can only lead to food shortages (which were happening prior to this pandemic) so where does this lead us and what to expect ? Price increases for sure , the countries that can produce food will want to hold on to as much produce as possible and may well exchange their produce for the food they do not produce in return .

As with testing kits and PPE s Every Country WANTS these items and are desperate to get supply will be the same for FOOD .....we import 60% of our food in the UK , we are told Not to panic buy food....there is no need ,there’s plenty for everyone ! (Right now maybe) but as this grinds on it will get progressively worse of that I am certain .

The measures put in place by the chancellor to pay 80% of wages up to £2,500 per month for 3 months was imho to stop any decent and disorder breaking out on the streets , forget the virus ...that’s just the means to justify the end and something to pin the blame on.

What can we do ? ......start growing your on food (right now) if you are able , keep some chickens , Quayle ,rabbits or a goat or two , whatever you do,do not sit on you,r arse and do nothing.
29 March 2020, 23:59,
RE: Planet lockdown
Good post exactly what I am focusing on, watch the food chain to know the level of threat.

SS I got nothing to add you said it all.

Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
30 March 2020, 12:27,
RE: Planet lockdown
The UN have announced global food Shortages have started !
31 March 2020, 12:47,
RE: Planet lockdown
Take a good look at flour prices on eBay and Amazon will not f..king believe your eyes !
1 April 2020, 19:48,
RE: Planet lockdown
You guys need to get a grip!

SS according to the UN we have been in a global food shortage since the UN was founded and we will continue to be in one until the African continent drains the total resources of the producing nations.

As for shopping on Amazon, I do not shop there for most items just due to the price gouging and rip offs that are on there panic and pandemic or not! The place is a scammers paradise, always has been. Our government is attempting to prosecute some of the sellers on Amazon for price gouging and hording already. They put up an item at ridiculous price, then post it in another place at a slightly lower price like it was a bargain, then take it down before the monitors can get to them. It's a rip off and not indicative of the true price of items.

And borders are not closed except to tourists/travelers. Business and merchandise transport is exempted from all the restrictions you would face if you wanted to go lay on the beach in Spain. They are not turning back food trucks at the borders! They are not stopping boatloads of grain, processed foods and necessities anywhere.

The UK has "always" imported %60 of your food! What is new about that? Even with your "victory gardens" of WW2 most of your necessities and almost all your meat was coming across the ocean in cans. The turning point of the war was when they began getting more boats past the wolf packs than they could destroy, and that was 75 years ago.

And never fear, your population was just as self centered and mush brained then as it is now. The government forced rationing on you and strict land use and farm production controls. If you broke the rules you lost your rations, If you did not produce they confiscated your land. It was not a voluntary effort, it was forced on the population and it took time to implement.

Even with the war effort backed by a propaganda machine and patriotic shaming there was a thriving black market for most luxury items.

You will make it through all of this. I know you have zero faith in your government and zero faith in your population, but you have enjoyed that condition for half your lifetime and have been preparing for what is happening now for a long time.

It will be a long time before you see the mob walking across the fields looking for your house because they heard you had a turnip patch.

Don't worry about it, the flu will have probably killed you by then!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
3 April 2020, 00:54,
RE: Planet lockdown
All of you in the UK should read Tim Pat Coogan's The Famine Plot.

England did it to Ireland in the 1800s. Now the EU and the UN are doing it to the UK, but discreetly and gradually. Uncontrolled immigration is a major factor, and Brexit consequeces are another unless Boris and The Donald get together and work out a favorable trade deal with UK the same as we currently have with Canada and Mexico, which would be mutually beneficial.

Then the US should cut off all food exports to China as if turning off a water faucet. We then must re-institute production of our own pharaceuticals comikng from either within the USA, or imported from UK, Canada or Mexico, and possibly India if a favorable trade agreement can be made with them also. But totally cut off the Chicoms and let the evil, lying, biowarfare plotting bastards starve and good riddins!

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
6 April 2020, 19:28,
RE: Planet lockdown
(1 April 2020, 19:48)Mortblanc Wrote: You guys need to get a grip!

SS according to the UN we have been in a global food shortage since the UN was founded and we will continue to be in one until the African continent drains the total resources of the producing nations.

As for shopping on Amazon, I do not shop there for most items just due to the price gouging and rip offs that are on there panic and pandemic or not! The place is a scammers paradise, always has been. Our government is attempting to prosecute some of the sellers on Amazon for price gouging and hording already. They put up an item at ridiculous price, then post it in another place at a slightly lower price like it was a bargain, then take it down before the monitors can get to them. It's a rip off and not indicative of the true price of items.

And borders are not closed except to tourists/travelers. Business and merchandise transport is exempted from all the restrictions you would face if you wanted to go lay on the beach in Spain. They are not turning back food trucks at the borders! They are not stopping boatloads of grain, processed foods and necessities anywhere.

The UK has "always" imported %60 of your food! What is new about that? Even with your "victory gardens" of WW2 most of your necessities and almost all your meat was coming across the ocean in cans. The turning point of the war was when they began getting more boats past the wolf packs than they could destroy, and that was 75 years ago.

And never fear, your population was just as self centered and mush brained then as it is now. The government forced rationing on you and strict land use and farm production controls. If you broke the rules you lost your rations, If you did not produce they confiscated your land. It was not a voluntary effort, it was forced on the population and it took time to implement.

Even with the war effort backed by a propaganda machine and patriotic shaming there was a thriving black market for most luxury items.

You will make it through all of this. I know you have zero faith in your government and zero faith in your population, but you have enjoyed that condition for half your lifetime and have been preparing for what is happening now for a long time.

It will be a long time before you see the mob walking across the fields looking for your house because they heard you had a turnip patch.

Don't worry about it, the flu will have probably killed you by then!

Amazon in the UK offers the best range of products at the best prices and best customer service second to none, and as SS has said, most stock was bought out during the panic buying few weeks we had, also some price hikes on virus fighting products, masks, Isopropyl and so on.

We import around 30% of food from EU a lot of that is in fact wine which is classed as food import, and 20% non EU.

My friend drives a huge lorry and delivers frozen food to the warehouse that lorries go to, to pick up a load that deliver to the supermarkets, he says frozen foods are doing ok, this is backed by my wife and friends in retail, I am being told that ambient food is the problem, which are on rotation from store to store, area to area, my wifes store has had 80% less ambient then normal for two weeks now.

Mb: you might do well to not tell others to "get a grip" and then prove yourself to be wrong again, if you don't agree be less rude or don't post, your opinion only matters if it lifts the topic, your pattern of being against the flow is becoming quite obvious, if your right then fine but your just not.

Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
6 April 2020, 20:16,
RE: Planet lockdown
(3 April 2020, 00:54)CharlesHarris Wrote: All of you in the UK should read Tim Pat Coogan's The Famine Plot.

England did it to Ireland in the 1800s. Now the EU and the UN are doing it to the UK, but discreetly and gradually. Uncontrolled immigration is a major factor, and Brexit consequeces are another unless Boris and The Donald get together and work out a favorable trade deal with UK the same as we currently have with Canada and Mexico, which would be mutually beneficial.

Then the US should cut off all food exports to China as if turning off a water faucet. We then must re-institute production of our own pharaceuticals comikng from either within the USA, or imported from UK, Canada or Mexico, and possibly India if a favorable trade agreement can be made with them also. But totally cut off the Chicoms and let the evil, lying, biowarfare plotting bastards starve and good riddins!

Ok tin foil hat on, USA and UK were about to do a deal, this and brexit were all happening and then we get pandemic and it all comes to a halt, UK will thrive without the EU with this trade agreement, and I feel the EU will collapse, companies will flock to UK in order to take advantage of the lower trade tariffs between UK and USA, car industry for one example.

As for pharma already there shares are on the up, pandemic is good for them.

Orwellian state is now also happening at a faster pace than ever, It has truly begun during this pandemic, control the fear control the minds.

Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
6 April 2020, 20:56,
RE: Planet lockdown
Opinions ! yes its all anyone has ….how they are formed will vary from person to person , group to group.....consensus can be the result from many conversations , the problem will often be some to try to force their opinion on others or ridicule as to neutralize or suppress their view rather than actually bring something of worth to the table , infighting really has no place here on this forum and has a zero effect, it just debilitates people …..showing how clever one can be with words, links and world history proves fuck all only ignorance …..I have seen a fair bit of this and you could argue my participation also ...but that's what humans do try to retaliate and fight the illusion of your corner (pride) .

Right, what is really going on here.... Corvid 19...….man made ? the tool to bring down the global economy ? to usher in a new digital [money] system ….look at YOUR country ANY country what do you SEE … killed, people unemployed , people have no money, freedom of movement gone, all on a GLOBAL SCALE , food production down , delivery logistics down, and Will get worse as time rolls on with all these self imposed constraints , and all the while being culled by corvid 19 ….not only will people lose their living , lose their ability to feed their family, lose their homes , and the ultimate life itself , just look at the speed of these unfolding events …..all blamed on this bastard called corvid 19 …….pretty fucking handy eh ! … what do you think? ….if you have a opinion ? have your say …..take the piss if you want if that's what floats your boat (I do not care) .
7 April 2020, 01:34,
RE: Planet lockdown
It's a bit early for me to go all in on this forum at least, but for the sake of offering a response I am going to add a few youtube links and share no opinion just information that can be taken or or ignored, these videos do not represent my view or maybe they do lol.

First of all I bought a cabinet-key I believe no action is defeatism, I hear people say we are to small they have so much power we can't do anything, well fuck them I might be small but I hit back my small way, do a lot of small things will add up to a big thing. It's paid for instore just need to pick it up and check it fits, if not its cheap enough to not worry and look elsewhere.

Ok will link a few vids next.

Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ

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