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Grouping together
20 September 2012, 19:31,
Grouping together
Had a thought earlier today but not gone into details.
But how many would be interested in getting together on a permanent basis.
Prepping together, defending if needed together and pulling resources.
Seen it in the states where families pull together financially and build a group ready to take on what ever comes up.
Obviously it would need to be somewhere remote and substantial.
I think the press would ave a field day though if they got wind of it.
Open to discussion and woud be interested in your comments?

"The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least."
20 September 2012, 21:08,
RE: Grouping together
i would'nt say no but I do se huge issuers and problems in such a set up, i prefer mutual suppoprt agrreements between preppers living in the same area.

20 September 2012, 21:56,
RE: Grouping together
Setting up a commune? What would be the rules?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 September 2012, 22:47,
RE: Grouping together
Rules ?? Lol have enough trouble now with rules let alone after an event

20 September 2012, 22:48,
RE: Grouping together
I think it would be wirth planning a bol for a group for when tshf. Unless you can get people to spend money on land/farm/fort. Would defo want to be in a group to boost chances of survival.
20 September 2012, 22:54,
RE: Grouping together
I'm not knocking the idea it think there will be to many alpha males but it would be a good idea other wise
20 September 2012, 23:04,
RE: Grouping together
the aftermath of the event would work i think ..but not the lead into it to much baggage and two many leaders , after the event the field would be more level
20 September 2012, 23:15,
RE: Grouping together
check out as they do a lot of books on intentional communitys. if you can self edit the peace and love, left wing bias out then there could be some pertinant and useful information. they also do a lot of books that may be of interest for long term low tech survival
they laugh at us because we're different, we laugh at them because they're all the same
21 September 2012, 00:24,
RE: Grouping together
hmmm intereresting idea, i know the ideas of banding together and making group SHTF plans has been thrown around alot, as well as setting up a group BOL, but both have generally been shot down due to various issues.

but no ones proposed a commune type place Smile...well it certainly appeals to me, ive been dreaming of going off grid and living life away from civilisation for a while now, and i must say everytime i think about it, it always seems as though it would be better to be in a bigger group, would be alot more effective!

i think the main tenets would have to be,
Everyone pulls their weight,
Food is shared equally,
We dont share everything, i hate the idea that if i spend hours making myself a knife or bow that anyone can take it and use it whenever they want, or its regarded as group property Tongue

but it could potentially open us up to things we simply wouldnt be able to do on our own, for instance with 5 people its alot more feasible to either finance, or simply build, an underground shelter! (something ive been looking into for ages xD)

in short yes i'd be interested Smile, but i dont think the uk is really a good place to do it, theres too much bureaucracy if a plane flies over and sees our buildings and says something, then we'd have council or governmental officials breathing down our neck Tongue and possibly have to dismantle everything we'd built Tongue
21 September 2012, 07:07,
RE: Grouping together
I'm very much into the permaculture scene and as such have seriously considered becoming part of a community to try and get away from the money orientated dog eat dog commercial world that we live in today. such communities are quite difficult to establish, local authorities and central government try all sorts of bureaucratic crap to restrict these communities from developing, also if the SHTF these places would soon be over run. So unless you were able to develop somewhere in complete secret (near impossible in the UK ), I reckon it would be a very difficult and full time undertaking.
I much more favour playing the grey man, developing networks and communication links with like minded others, small groups that can come together soon after SHTF to work together, my main reason for being here.
I already have some good BOL for my area, but for some it would need a small group working together to take them over (by force if necessary) and make them secure.

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