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Are you bothered about eating horse meat?
nope Smile
nope not at all
nope, as long as its been declared fit for human consumption!
Yes! I ride them, I don't eat them.
This whole horsemeat "scandal" was brought about by the supermarkets

they squeeze suppliers so tight, that some of them obviously had to cut corners just to stay afloat.

I'm not condoning what happened, but all it was was a labelling issue, they didn't list "horsemeat" as one of the ingredients, if they had it wouldn't have been an issue

My OH still picks up freezer meals, they are very handy when you are in a rush, and she's been getting some odd looks in the freezer aisle i can tell ya!
If it doesn't make me sick and tastes good, I don't care all that much what animal it comes from
i dont care what animal it comes from, as long as its MEAT(i'm a carnivoreTongue), horsemeat should be cheaper than beef, pork is really cheap at the moment.
The only thing thats irritated me about it is that someone has been making millions out of labelling Horse as beef given the wide range of products effected it must have been going on for years
Horse meat is very good for you, there is far less fat in horse meat than there is in Beef,... when I was in German we ate horse meat all the time,... I would prefer horse meat to beef

The only reason we don't eat it in this country [ as other countries do ] is because of the first world war, the British public felt they owed so much to the horse that they didn't feel they could eat them
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