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Full Version: trading my handmade knives
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(19 October 2013, 16:47)Skean Dhude Wrote: [ -> ]Maing me think here. A longer blade, like a short sword, a knuckle duster with spikes on the knuckles and a shield around the hand.

Sounds like a short falchion sd....i'd like one spikes though...think they may hinder you more than is acceptable Big Grin
Your thinking of a cut less have you seen the swords of the show revolution
(19 October 2013, 17:21)Midnitemo Wrote: [ -> ]
(19 October 2013, 16:47)Skean Dhude Wrote: [ -> ]Maing me think here. A longer blade, like a short sword, a knuckle duster with spikes on the knuckles and a shield around the hand.

Sounds like a short falchion sd....i'd like one spikes though...think they may hinder you more than is acceptable Big Grin
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