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I would pre-pack the simplest seeds, my top three would be,...peas, carrots and cabbage, because you will likely get chance to plant again and get more than one crop

I wouldn't take any tools,... you dont need tools to plant seeds
(8 October 2013, 13:42)Scythe13 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, now that we've told off SS for making it confusing, back to the question: Which seeds and tools would you want to have with you when you bug out?

If not running for our lives, the seeds of choice would be

Runner beans, peas, Chard, Kale. If I could, I'd also take some seed potatoes.

Tools can be left behind. If in real societal meltdown, there will be plenty of tools to be had just by scavenging. I don't think raiders will not be thinking about trading stocks at the 6 week mark, they'll just be looking for immediate survival consumables, so gardening tools in the shed may well be left completely alone.
I would have picked potatoes too,.. but its the weight, you wouldn't be able to add many of those to your big out bag
(8 October 2013, 20:10)Highlander Wrote: [ -> ]I would have picked potatoes too,.. but its the weight, you wouldn't be able to add many of those to your big out bag

Big Grin That's why I said, "if I could"

But potatoes are a major banker crop in my preps. Usually I get great results, but this year for the first time ever, we lost a huge number to slugs and snails. I've been culling the little buggers all summer, so hopefully we'll be less infested next year.
I agree LS,.. it would be only the weight issue not the food value of them,... I did quiet well with my spuds this year,.. although they were only in containers
LS I was told last week there is a new liquid product you just add it to water its on the nett think its called slugrite or slugall check it out pal.
(8 October 2013, 20:46)Straight Shooter Wrote: [ -> ]LS I was told last week there is a new liquid product you just add it to water its on the nett think its called slugrite or slugall check it out pal.

Cheers SS, but no luck with a web search on those terms.

Problem here was severe. After one warm and wet evening, my trusty Halfors culled over 300 of the little so and so's . Actually not so little either, most as big as my thumb:-(

I'll keep slashing them until they give up.
I will call down and find out the product name my friend said its the best thing he ever used and it stays in the soil for ages, will get back to all when I find out.
Field beans are worth taking, they crop heavy and are easy to dry and store.
Where can I get these steve?
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