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Just watched the first episode and they do seem a but amateurish
and thats being polite.

Takeaways ---- Draw as much money out of the ATM now and immediately leave the area.

Don't go to any areas you have connections with - difficult --

Stay away from CCTV or at least move fast

Interesting show though
I'm not impressed, everybody seems to be running without (much) thought of where to actually go.
wouldn't you -knowing you were going on such a show- do some research and actually have somewhere specific to go? a BOL ??
I would have a bag already packed waiting to go- a bit like a bug out bag-not leave it to the last hour.
an emergency fund of cash too-stay away from ATM's they have camera's too.
stay off motorways and main A roads they have camera's too.
I think continually moving around is when you will be caught, second pair of females were within minutes of being caught by the "field agent" and only escaped by pure luck.
the doctor was probably the best but even he talked to much to complete strangers and the blonde in the second pair was just too "desperate", phoning home put her on the radar.
its a bit like being a "refugee" always on the move, I still say have a definite place to go, hunker down and stay hidden.
Take-aways for me:

- NOT having a plan may be good. Random behaviour and unpredictability confounds the Profilers.

- Don't travel in / on a registered vehicle that can be traced back to you. Too much ANPR about, even in petrol stations.

- Have cash on hand.

- Don't go to too remote an area if there is a risk you will stand out. My inclination is to run for the hills, but I think I'd go to an area where strangers heading for the hills are commonplace. You could walk into a food store in Fort William (say) and not look out of place buying a whole load of dehydrated meals, but there are still plenty of places around there to disappear into, and look like "just another wild-camper" to the odd passing stalker. (Only I wouldn't do that, because those chasing me would have found this forum post. Or would I? Double-bluff?)

- Once you pop up on the radar, you're stuffed, even if you are a long way from home. Staying off the radar is more important than getting far away. I would choose any travel carefully, with staying off the radar my top priority, preferring to stay hidden in plain sight locally if need be.

- Be totally self-reliant. If you can handle an extended period wild-camping in a lightweight tent you have a big advantage.

I'm sure there will be other errors and/or workable strategies that emerge over the next few episodes. I'll certainly keep watching.
stay off the main roads, use unclassified country roads if you can, stay out of towns, don't move about too much, stay low and out of sight, if you have to move location move pre sunrise or around dusk-less people about then, and above all don't tell anyone anything!! a "good morning or good evening" or whatever will suffice if you must say something.
Of course, being shadowed by a cameraman with a broadcast-quality full size video camera on his shoulder probably doesn't help!

I'd have a cover story; that I'm taking part in a Channel 4 documentary, and appeal to people I meet to help me win by not giving my location away.
yes the cameraman would be a dead giveaway but they'd have to find you first! by the time they saw the camera the games up anyway.
Just watched Episode 2 on catch-up. What is it with these people and their phones?! Is it really not possible to avoid interacting with the rest of the world for just 28 days?

Lessons continue to be learned. In a digital world, putting physical distance between you and the "enemy" does no more than lull you into a false sense of security. Stealth trumps distance every time. The Singh brothers' deception which allowed them to put 200 miles between themselves and their trackers counted for nothing once they "lit up" by using a phone.

During the darkest period in the history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, villagers would evecuate and go and "hide in the bush" to avoid onslaughts by maurauding gangs of Mai Mai militia. Hiding locally and waiting for the danger to pass, rather than being driven to move as refugees.
Doing an ET and "phone home" is where most of these come unstuck. wife and I discussed this and if one of us was doing this challenge, we would leave the phone at home and say "see you in a month!"
Just watched Episode 3. Very disappointed in Dr Ricky Allen! Big-headedness and complacency got the better of him. Another lesson learned!

Other lessons:
- Minimise use of any personal network of friends.
- Avoid travelling in a registered vehicle when at all possible
- Change plans just for the hell of it. Break the pattern of behaviour.
- Go with the gut. You could see his doubts when his friend offered him a lift, but he accepted it anyway.
- Don't give up! He only had another week or so to go!
I will not be watching again, i see enough of single cell brain dead dumb fuckers around here ! better things to do with my time !.
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