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@SS -- Ah well - thats put an end to that conversation. Whats next?
wife and I agree, we think the doctor simply gave up and wanted to be caught.
He gave up
Im not sure he gave up. He made two bad choices in a row.
Firstly he was going to walk over the hills to a local train station
but he accepted a lift in a known car to Glasgow. Secondly he thought about getting off the train at Milton Keynes but couldnt be arsed. That was his final downfall
One of the fugitives on episode 4 described himself and his father as a prepper. However they had obviously never practised bugging out as he was struggling to carry 3 poorly packed rucksacks and had to dump quite a lot of it.

My take away points so far:
- Have large amounts of cash on hand
- Trim down use of electronics, be aware of the trail you leave online, be prepared to destroy electronics (computers and phones) quickly if you have to leave, definitely don't take them with you.
- Suck it up emotionally. If you can't cope with not talking to love ones for one month you have no chance.
- Wild camping and general ray mears living for 28 days in a discreet way looks like the best option to be honest.
Held my attention for about 10 minutes then ...! Must be a bit difficult trailing a camaraman around with you.
you have to remember first off its not a drama programme its "entertainment".
secondly, forget about the headless plebs running about flagging down lifts, ringing home and using ATM's, what would you do in the same circumstances? me, i'd go about a maximum of 10 miles from home to a place I know and lay low for a month, no phones, no internet, no cash or credit cards, just me keeping my head down and not drawing attention.
What I've taken away from this was something I thought was fairly obvious. Don't drive a vehicle as sooner or later it'll get sussed out. Also, stay away from any sort of modern communication.

If it were me I think I'd withdraw as much cash asap from the nearest cashpoint & then not use it again. Then like BP, I'd stick to somewhere local & just wait it out. It's not going to be comfortable, but at the end of the day you're on the run & know you're actively being looked for. If you really must communicate with your family & you've stayed local, I would use a pair of walki-talkies at a pre-arranged time. However if anything is going to give you away, it'll be this. For transport, pedal bikes all the way.

I think the 2 guys who escaped via canal footpaths on bikes have the best chance. But they need to stop ringing/communicating with home or they may aswell give up now.
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