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Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Printable Version

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Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Tibbs735 - 13 September 2012

Considering the Olympic pistol shooting done by team GB, as well as the length of time that has passed from the initial ban, with no improvement to gun crime figures, maybe now is the time to push for relaxation of gun legislation in recent years. There are already a few petitions online, but with the help of videos like this:
it may be possible to get momentum going with the help of social media . Strike whilst the iron is hot. I think talk of control measures, like background checks, mental health checks, waiting period may be necessary to prevent the Mothers against movement and daily mail readers from having a stroke/ multiple hernias at the idea.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Tigs - 13 September 2012

sadly i dont think they will ever let us have handguns again ! labour banned them knowing that only responsible law abiding people would hand over there handguns! they all wont us unarmed and defenseless !so we are easy to control

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - NorthernRaider - 13 September 2012

You wont get it, the gun control laws were never anything to do with fighting crime and everything to do with keeping the ruling elite in power. Strict laws and welfare monery keeps the sheeple in check.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Metroyeti - 13 September 2012

Wont happen. There was stabbings ect at olympic venues, so it didnt go as smoothly as its been portrayed.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Carnebwen - 13 September 2012

I was going to sign one of those yougov petitions over something like this. But figured it would be painting a target on myself for attack by libs.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - NorthernRaider - 13 September 2012

In Hartlepool today there a charity race going to to campaign for even STRICTER gun laws. Besides the Pro gun lobby wont have a chance at all until the police stop acting as private police for the government and start representing the people. And judging by todays news about police corruption, cover ups, nepotism and ineptitude in Liverpool thats not likely to happen. It appears police corruption is the norm rather than the rarity.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Paul - 13 September 2012

Government of the people 101

Disarm the law abiding population
Silence free speech and manipulate the media
Restrict travel and freedom of movement
Tax everyone into submission
Remove the armed forces just in case they revolt.

4/5 for the government so far.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Skean Dhude - 13 September 2012


Which one have they not done? I think it is 5 for 5.

RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - bowdrill - 13 September 2012

So we dO nothing ived signed petions
is this u all conforming to the powers that be if u dont sign them no good moaning about it if u do nothing slowly controlling u guys aren't they lol

Not having a go really but it is just another one put to bed by them if we don't keep at tptb


RE: Is now the time to push for Handgun Legalisation? - Skean Dhude - 13 September 2012

I've signed petitions on this and many other subjects. The only one I know that worked was the one where Dierdre got released from prison.

They are not interested in any discussions.