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Another one goes pop...posties - Printable Version

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RE: Another one goes pop...posties - Kenneth Eames - 1 April 2012

After the news that the Government are intending monitoring the web and phones, it is probably a good idea to communicate by post. If there is something we are concerned about this would be the better way. Perhaps we have valued information about booby-traps etc., to pass on. Kenneth Eames.

RE: Another one goes pop...posties - Skean Dhude - 1 April 2012


It makes sense. Now lets encourage people to send things by post.


RE: Another one goes pop...posties - bigpaul - 1 April 2012

you mean you DONT think our post is being monitored??

RE: Another one goes pop...posties - Skean Dhude - 1 April 2012

It is for named people, they can't do it for everyone within the delivery timescales because it is not processable by computer like emails, texts and phone calls. Open a letter posted at 1800, read it, scan it, seal it up and get it in your letterbox the next day. No way.