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British GM crop scientists win grant - Printable Version

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RE: British GM crop scientists win grant - Prepper1 - 15 July 2012

The Gates foundation run by Bill Gates of Microsoft fame support and pay for forced sterilizations in the third world where women are kidnapped off the streets and forcefully sterilized.
this includes India where the same happens... funded by the Gates foundation.
They also support FORCED vaccinations for ALL the worlds children.
They also support and promote population culling... millions of people they'd like to kill...not themselves of course....
They actively take part in the Bilderberg group meetings whereby world leaders including George Osbourne and David Cameron have talked about such things.
NOT I can assure you any conspiracy stuff here, its all well documented on the tinternet from valid and good sources if you care to research and open your mind.
A closed mind is a dying mind.
Edna Ferber

RE: British GM crop scientists win grant - TOF - 15 July 2012

I do have a problem with the science of GM, but I also think that sadly Monsanto et al have the clout to force the issue. I would definitely like the choice of eating GM or not.
P1, can you provide reliable links to your statements please. I have friends in the US who are keen gardeners and they have had no problems. None of them have been demonised, called weird or even had a funny look thrown their way. I would be interested to see the piece of legislation to which you refer. Most county extension offices(funded by the local govt) run classes and workshops on Gardening, Canning, Beekeeping and other topics that could be deemed as prepping friendly or maybe just hobbies, (oh that it were so over here). So I would be surprised if, on one hand they are offering gardening classes and the other, fine folk for growing their own.
I would also be interested to see where your information regarding the Gates foundation comes from. I'm not saying it's all good, but I do get concerned when bits of random info is put out 'there'

RE: British GM crop scientists win grant - Jan - 15 July 2012

Why don't they just take the water out of the sea........let's be honest there's a plenty of it.
Then put it through a desalination plant....oh yes, I forgot they cost a lot of money don't they.
When the water is drinkable put it on the plants.
The plants should grow and hey presto you've got crops for people to eat.
Oh but they, the TPTB don't want to do that do they, feeding the staving it won't do.
I'm sorry but we've been sending food to Africa and places like it for the last 60-70 years, and there still bloody starving, they need to be able to feed themselves.
As the fictional story book the bible says, Give them a fish and they will feed for a day, Give them a fishing rod and they feed for a lot longer, or something to that effect.

(It's all right for Bankers and Oil companies to make lots of money for themselves, Governments to give money to third world countries, only for it to be stolen by the corrupt and greedy politicians, the people in these countries haven't a chance with the world is today).

Sorry for the rant but I'm getting fed up of all the bullshit that we get fed by the TPTB led MSM.

RE: British GM crop scientists win grant - NorthernRaider - 15 July 2012

Sunday 8PM Countryfile or whatever the nature prog is called is doing something about the GM trials.

RE: British GM crop scientists win grant - TOF - 15 July 2012

Well, it didn't really make any new claims. I don't think this research will make any substantial differences to food production. I think Jan has a point.