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RE: INTERIM BOLs - NorthernRaider - 28 August 2012

(28 August 2012, 18:09)Prepaday Wrote: I need a list I will message you and tell you what area I'm near, If you could find me some hidy holes, I would be really grateful Smile

Oh I wish it was that easy mon ami, but to find suitable temp BOLs and BOL's I would need to know where you live, how many in your group, their physical capabilities, your transport options, your skills, your budget etc etc.. Also you need to get out and recce your own area for BOLs and hidey holes. BUT if I do know anything about your area I will tell you but its going to come down to your own skills at the end of the day Smile
When I'm out and about I always look for these old abandoned and usually quite small quarries that are often sited right next to the road, some of the entrances are barred by a few biggish stone the average vehicle could possibly pull out the way, others are protected by a gate fitted with one single padlock ( thats why a pr of bolt cutters or cordless grinder should be in your kit). Also watch out for road improvement such as new round abouts or by pass roads that replace old single roads, very often the old road is still there just at the side of the road hidden behind a hedge, again acess may be via a small padlock. Under some 60s and 70s built roads you have roundabouts with dual carriageways passing over the top of them, often you will find steel doors in their walls that were built to store stuff. Many old abandone phone exchanges have bunkers and bunk rooms in the cellars. Look at farm tracks leading away from the road, if they overgrown chances are the farm building may be abandoned so you can park up on the track just out of sight of the road. Over the last 30 many smaller farms have been taken over by large farming concerns and the individual farm houses abandoned. The track to those buildings are often god to check out for places you could park up.

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Prepaday - 28 August 2012

Near Bolton...5 in my group, 2 adults 3 kids, one adult has bad limp due to broken leg, walking and budget is not to bad...We are a lost cause eh? lol Shall I just take the cyanide pill now?

RE: INTERIM BOLs - NorthernRaider - 28 August 2012

PD dont post personal info on the forum, be careful. Sorry I dont know Bolton very well at all, maybe some of the others have local knowledge ?
Wow that was quick I just got an E mail suggesting PD recces out an area near Entwhistle railway station?, supposedly loads of low profile hidyholes around there?
Sorry that should be Entwistle near a big lake ?

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Prepaday - 28 August 2012

I only said NEAR Wink No way would I give my exact location, Near could be 5 miles, it could be 20 Smile

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Nemesis - 28 August 2012

NR hope you don't mind I will chuck this in here, it was an old thread I did sometime last year.

As you know I went out to a train station and thought I would have a look in more detail and know a bit more about them other than platform and so on.

I think that under the train stations platform we have a bomb shelter, reinforced concrete and metal, I mean it makes sense as the amount of people that could be standing on it but mostly because of the train vibrations, whatever the reason I see it as a bomb shelter or other maybe we get giant hail stones hit the country deadly ones (of course this is an example I am still sane but you get the idea right?) but under this platform we shuld be safe it could take the hits. (better then a house)

Anyway here are some pics, please excuse my vandalism I wanted to test my little wire cutters.

Photo one: We had to move around the train station and cross the track, due to the station having cameras all over it, this pic was taken after we had crossed the track, and you can see how close we was when that train came, this was just after the train.

[Image: 65c22t.jpg]

We made our way to the side of the platform you see in pic 1, there was a wire fence stopping us getting under it.

[Image: 24wukb9.jpg]

Ok I suck but I wanted to test my cutters, and for a cheap cutter it went through like butter a kid could do it.

[Image: 2zpm7vt.jpg]

And here you have it a reinforced bunker, and I need to confirm this but I think further up the bunkers won't have wire fence to track side, which gives more protection it will be concrete.

[Image: 6fto4j.jpg]

Last one to show the reinforced metal.

[Image: qqnz2t.jpg]

Barking up the wrong tree?, I am not a builder or a structural engineer, but a bol bunker with a little work maybe?

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Prepaday - 28 August 2012

You could replace the wire and weave ivy or something into it and it would propa hide you then Smile If I was bugging out on my own, this would be ideal Smile

RE: INTERIM BOLs - NorthernRaider - 28 August 2012

Its a flood water run off culvert by the look of it, but oddly enough huge numbers of the under station coal staiths got cleaned up and converted into stores, bunkers, workshops etc, when we communicated with Magz I did a bit of reasearch onto a railway station near her and i found steel doored CD bunker type places, old roads fence off from the highway that passed under the station etc you could hife 50 people in.

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Greenman - 28 August 2012

Hi there, no one on here knows I, no one. I asked, I got on the forum. I am nobody and anybody, I could be your neighbour, relative, colleague, I could be MI5, 6, or any other shady org or tool of state; so is it really that wise to advertise locations on the forum or even share the locations of yours? I choose to share ideas and some on here are very very impressive and subtle. I like that.
But please be safe. Trust no one for in times if crisis, those with the least will try to hurt those they perceive to have the most. That is you and I.

RE: INTERIM BOLs - NorthernRaider - 28 August 2012

(28 August 2012, 22:19)Greenman Wrote: Hi there, no one on here knows I, no one. I asked, I got on the forum. I am nobody and anybody, I could be your neighbour, relative, colleague, I could be MI5, 6, or any other shady org or tool of state; so is it really that wise to advertise locations on the forum or even share the locations of yours? I choose to share ideas and some on here are very very impressive and subtle. I like that.
But please be safe. Trust no one for in times if crisis, those with the least will try to hurt those they perceive to have the most. That is you and I.

Read the thread again and stop being so paranoid
"" Think I will try a thread listing useful spots and locations that Preppers could overnight at in moderate security, IE places like wild camping spots you can laager up at for a rest if you have bugged out."" They are just useful overnight or temporary places where preppers could rest up overniight, nothing more.

RE: INTERIM BOLs - Nemesis - 28 August 2012

(28 August 2012, 22:19)Greenman Wrote: But please be safe. Trust no one for in times if crisis, those with the least will try to hurt those they perceive to have the most. That is you and I.

If the SIS want some pickle onions, I am sure I can spare a few.