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RE: blow pipes? - Luci_ferson - 4 March 2013

(4 March 2013, 15:22)Metroyeti Wrote: Easier said than done throwing bricks/rocks

well said.

theyre a bit like french arrows.
very efffective if theres a lot of you throwing them.
not much use if theres only one of you. unless theyre close enough to actuall hit them with it without leaving loose.

RE: blow pipes? - Metroyeti - 4 March 2013

Im left handed so my aims even worse lol I will only be throwing bricks if im dropping them from a height onto people down below

RE: blow pipes? - Luci_ferson - 4 March 2013

I dont do heights, too afraid of getting trapped and having to jump.
people have tendancy to set fire to things and flames rise.
il stay down low and fight it out lol (cant fight for toffee)

RE: blow pipes? - Skean Dhude - 4 March 2013

(4 March 2013, 14:43)Luci_ferson Wrote: theres many ways to make pretty effective poisons.
sadly most in england wouldnt be instantly lethal, although many would still be lethal.
even nicotine itself in a high dose in the blood streem will kill a man.
but id definately advise against messing with poisons.
its not something you can easily go and test on a man sized mamal.
as Tartar Horde probably knows, there is many tranquilisers that are pretty easy to get your hands on if your determined enough.
hes obviously taken the blow gun seriously enough to have practiced enough to be able to hit a small mammal.

even tranquilisers can be lethal if you dont know what your doing.
so again id strongly suggest against experimenting with them.
tranquilising dosages all have to be acurately calculated according to metabolism of creature and body mass. and some damage the livers of certain creatures.

as for blow gun for hunting and not for defence, yep i can see that working out pretty well.
like other have pointed out , you could kill a squirell or a pidgeon and their both edible.
and the darts aint gonna cost much to repair or replace..
definately makes a lot less noise than a rifle even one with a silencer. (big advantage)
could be time to start practicing with a blow gun again,

as for the brick, id rather have a blow gun. i can throw a snowball from 10 metres away and miss.

How do you convert the tranquilisers into something you put on your dart? Pills are mainly filler so unless it is a capsule it gets diluted.

Nicotine is easy. Just put your cancer sticks in water and leave for a while. Let them dry and what is in the bottom is a deadly alkaline posion you can put on your darts, just don't stab yourself.

RE: blow pipes? - Luci_ferson - 4 March 2013

I notice youve already looked into nicotine , and yep it really is that simple (and that dangerous).
as for the tranquilisers ive never looked too far into it.
id assume the capsules and tablet ones wouldnt be of much use as youd have to remove all the impure fillers before they would be effective enough to work.
however their is a few liquid ones in the vetinary trade that would probably be easily enough to highly concentrate with some further study into basic chemistry practices.
id still highly recommend against messing with poisons and tranquilizers.
as you pointed out. prick yourself with the alkoloid from nicotine and your in for a very bad time if your lucky. (accelerated heart , hallucinations, sweating)
if your unlucky then you wont get a second chance.

especially if you use one of the stronger methods for removing the nicotine in a cigarrette. as some of the other methods also extract highly concentrated carcinogens other than the nicotine itself.

RE: blow pipes? - BeardyMan - 4 March 2013

(2 March 2013, 23:56)Scythe13 Wrote: If you had a blow pipe and I had a brick in my hand......enough said.

If it gets to that, I'd rather throw a rock.

I can catch or dodge a brick as they're quite easy to see, flying through the air at your head. A dart on the other hand, you don't want to catch!

Also, the dart would travel quicker, so if you chucked your brick and someone fired a dart at the same time, you are going to get darted, but they're not necessarily going to get bricked.

RE: blow pipes? - Luci_ferson - 4 March 2013

bricks have never been very effective for hunting either.
imagine trying to skin a squirell thats skeletal mass is now rattling around inside it.

RE: blow pipes? - Mortblanc - 4 March 2013

Usually I do not get into the Mall Ninja hardware but blowgun technology is a skill everyone should know.

The blowpipe can be made from 1/2" PVC pipe from the local building supply, hardware store, or riped from the plumbing after SHTF. total cost for one w/darts woudl only be a couple of dollars.

Blowguns were a favored tool of the Eastern North American Indian tribes for hunting small tree dwelling critters; squirrel and birds mostly.

Arrows were a considerable time investment but blowgun darts were only a couple of minutes time and losing one in the treetops was no big deal.

They offer us truly silent urban small game hunting. You can also practice inside using a normal dart board and "big brother" need never know

RE: blow pipes? - Luci_ferson - 4 March 2013

in a world were anything can happen, all skills become usefull,
even something as silly as being able to read.

i know many that struggle

RE: blow pipes? - JohnKent - 10 March 2013

Blow pipes are illegal in UK and come under the same regulations as guided missles !. It is much easier to become proficient with a blowpie than say a sling shot. At 50 metres it is possible to hit a man sized target with every shot. We used 7" long, 1.0mm piano wire as the shafts with turned cork flights and at 50 metres they will penetrate 1/4" plywood. Bamboo darts have a much shorter range and will typically penetrate human flesh only about 1" at 20 metres. They do have the advantage that it is very difficult to actually hear where they are being fired from. All dart poisons I saw used in Borneo acted relatively slowly, giving the target enough time to find and flatten you, before they lose conciousness.

In the useless information corner, I once connected a blowpipe mouth piece to a precision micro-manometer in order to measure the peak air pressure from the mouth during the firing of a dart. For an experienced shooter it is only about 3.0 PSI ! and lasts about half a second, so that there is air pressure behind the dart all the way through the bore of the blowpipe.