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simple sabotage - Printable Version

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RE: simple sabotage - Mortblanc - 9 March 2015

Yet no one has been incarcerated for anything that is said here and SD still has a forum open no matter what words are transmitted.

I think you are trying to convey much more danger than actually exists and failing to differentiate between the materials conveyed here and petty or major criminal acts done and gotten away with in the real world.

Running faster than ones peers or not showing up to assist in the commission of a crime so stupid that one is sure of being caught is not the definition of the grey man.

If one was really all that worried they would not be on a forum such as this, or communicating anywhere on the internet, or cell phone or land line, since all comms have been screened for years.

The native population of GB is not considered a threat by anyone.

RE: simple sabotage - Bucket - 10 March 2015

I'm just waiting for my quarterly knock on the door by El Plod, and either a morning or afternoon wasted talking to Jim or big Andy down at the station about "being a terrorist, again Bucket ?"

It's becoming a joke between us now the amount of time they waste dragging me in, filling out the forms as somebody's thought I was doing something dodgy with chemicals (I'm a research chemist with my own lab) and call in the police - They know what I do, sometimes the SOCOs up here call me in if there's something "interesting" they don't understand, - but have to investigate and do the paperwork out anyway.