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What have done towards your prep? - Printable Version

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RE: What have done towards your prep? - bigpaul - 20 September 2024

(19 September 2024, 21:25)Pete Grey Wrote:
(18 September 2024, 17:27)bigpaul Wrote: I grew up with cold bedrooms, single glazed windows, put an extra blanket on the bed.
the only fire we had was in the living room and that was an open fire, we burnt coal and logs.

As a child i’ve slept in socks and woolly hat with a hot water bottle, ice “ferns” on the inside of the bedroom windows, no upstairs heating.

Downstairs a coal fire in the living room, and luxury, a range in the kitchen, always a kettle singing on top.

No sink, water tap outside in the yard collected in an enamelled “pail”. Galvanised bath in front of the range.

Washing done in the brew house, the “copper” heated with scrap wood, big cast iron mangle.

And we were greatfull for what we had, and happier than most families are now.
yes I had a very similar childhood, I remember a tin bath in front of the open fireplace as a nipper, got my finger caught helping mother put washing through a mangle.
kids these days dont know their born.

RE: What have done towards your prep? - Straight Shooter - 20 September 2024

Yes Pete the same here ! Every thing you described ….to the letter was the same here ! ……I used to wish and dream of moving up the queue of four brothers ……I wanted to be number one or even two , to avoid the inch of scum floating on top ……brother number four had it made he bathed in the Belfast sink ….luxury ! ….lucky bas….
…..a lot to be said about them tin baths …..a good prep to have on hand today ! And the same gos for those pales .

RE: What have done towards your prep? - Sunna - 20 September 2024

I do wonder if the economy crashed hard and today's folk not just children and young adults had to do without £80 trainers, £200 phone,£5 coffee things we have just got used to.

The inflation has made people think harder about the true value of stuff.

RE: What have done towards your prep? - bigpaul - 20 September 2024

people these days dont have a clue and want all these expensive things, grand son dosent save any money he buys £100 T shirts trying to keep up with his wealthier mates, you cant keep that up for long in a recession.

RE: What have done towards your prep? - Pete Grey - 20 September 2024

(20 September 2024, 08:44)Straight Shooter Wrote: Yes Pete the same here ! Every thing you described ….to the letter was the same here ! ……I used to wish and dream of moving up the queue of four brothers ……I wanted to be number one or even two , to avoid the inch of scum floating on top ……brother number four had it made he bathed in the Belfast sink ….luxury ! ….lucky bas….
…..a lot to be said about them tin baths …..a good prep to have on hand today ! And the same gos for those pales .

SS it always used to be cleanest in the bath first Smile .

With possible storms forecast next few days.....everyone.....take care.....keep safe.

RE: What have done towards your prep? - Pete Grey - 21 September 2024

Just been reading about the “one percenters”, (Dick Cheney theory taken up by the US military and security).

Cheney once said “It’s about treating a possible threat, however unlikely, as a near-certain threat”.....“It’s not about our’s about our response”..... (from yesterday’s South China Morning Post).

Imagine the most unlikely event that could happen (a 1 in 100 chance) and plan what you would do in those circumstances.....list as many as you can think of.....could be an interesting/useful way of disaster planning for many persevered threats/events.

Have you made any plans yet ?.